Couple that with the perpetuality that the people in those cars are mind-numbingly stupid, careless, and hopelessly egocentric.
Think motorcyclists have it bad? Try riding a bicycle. As well as coping with above, there are plenty of drivers actively hating cyclists. I just have to play their bluff, carry on. If they do knock me over, I'll either trash their car, or sue them.
They probably hate motorcyclists too, but are more cowardly with someone in leathers, visored, have in some quarters a "bad boy (violent)" reputation, and who can chase any aggressors.
Police are useless, they don't bother. Few months ago car driver knocked a young cyclist off, really loud bang. They refused to come, as they didn't know if anyone was hurt. I explained it was a really loud collision. They know people are in shock, don't necessarily know if they are injured. And even if not, is reckless driving now allowed?
So I dictated car licence plate over the phone, told them to write it down. Young woman ended up in hospital, driver stopped answering his phone to pay to repair bicycle. Police wouldn't trace his mobile number, and had not written down the number of car. Marvellous .
I was knocked off bicycle couple of years ago. Was going to leave it until the passenger got out and started being aggressive. Her wife stayed behind the wheel, didn't even bother to see if I was alright. Yes, it's relevant it was her wife, she made an issue if it, bating me to display prejudice. Wrong bloke for that. CCTV every. Police did come because she was being aggressive. Never heard a peep from the police again.