New Trophy Owner

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well, if so, the site states it fits my year model, and this screen does not. The number of holes does not bother me, the fact that there is up to a 1" gap between the screen and the body is the problem. the way it bubbles out leaves a huge gap thats only close near the top above the mirrors.

and comparing pictures between this and a d1200 screen, they look nearly identical.
It si always a bummer when you order parts and then find they are not what you expected. However it seem in the end just cutting your one down ha sworked for you so well done on that one TUP
Yes, well the shape of the nose on the Trophy didn't change....only the number of holes - so it was either a bad/wrong screen or had gotten warped or something.

The TriumphTalk WIKI talks about the changes in windscreens according to model year.
It does not seem like it was warped, when acrylic warps, it will wave up, much like a record left in the sun, which the screen I was sent, shows no signs of being warped. And even if you attempted to bend it to make it fit, the curvature of the screen won't allow enough flex to get it to sit flush to the body.

I sent and email politely addressing the problem, and I hope to have it resolved. They charge a 25% restocking fee, but If I have to pay that on top of having to pay to get it shipped to me, and back to them, I just threw away $50 with nothing to show for it.

But as for the screen I cut, I like it, it feels a bit more sporty, and in the texas heat, all the airflow I can get is good. I even got a few compliments on the bike from a few car drivers this morning, and since i've had it, i've never had people roll down the windows to talk to me about my bike, so I like to think cutting the stock windscreen had something to do with it.

But hopefully I'll get my full refund back from the windscreen, and I've found some adjustable clip ons ( very similar to converti bars ) that I would like to try on the bike. I've also noted that changing my riding style had made the bike a bit more comfortable.

I'd also like to note for anyone interested in lowering the front of the bike by dropping the forks, you can only do so about 1.5" max, using a zip tie to measure how much the forks compress under hard "emergency" braking, that lowering the bike 1.5" still allows for about a half inch gap between the bottom fork tube and the bottom triple tree under full compression. ( provided you are running stock springs )
Alright, So the guys at gutasffsson are great, and will allow me to retun the screen, no penalty.

So, I ended up cutting the stock screen, sanded it down, removed the black "tint" stuff or whatever you want to call it that runs along the bottom of the screens ( mine was starating to peel anyway ) and then found some transparent black paint and some windscreen trim, and ta-da, IMO, it looks pretty good. Its not really see though, but it looks better than the "obviously spray painted black" screens I see alot. (note, i painted the inside of the screen, so the outside is still nice and smooth, and keeps it looking aftermarket vs home diy )

and after maybe a total of $20 and a few hours, I think it looks good, and I like it better than the screen I bought.


Once I return the other screen and my money goes back into my account, I'll be buying a pair of these.
adjustable handlebars that dont cost an arm and a leg.

not as much play room as convertibars, but For what i'm wanting, I thinky they will work great, and don't have to worry about buying standard clip ons that may not fit.
Just a note, I urge everyone to not purchase a windscreen from Gustafsson Plastics, Bar none the worst customer service I've had from any company in a very long time.
After I finally got ahold of someone on the phone, they told me the screen is correct, and that it is designed to be that way, and that It was my fault that the screen did not
fit like I believe it should. After pushing through the man on the phones attacks that I must keep the screen, I told him I wanted to return the unit. He then threatened me if
that there was a single mark, nick, scratch, or anything else wrong with the screen, it would be held at their shop until I payed them to ship it back to me. After informing him of the
email from them stating that they could work something out for me, and there would be no restocking fee if i were to return it, and to not worry about damaging the product, the man on the phone stated that that person no longer worked here, and that he can't honor their word.

I still plan to send the unit back, as I would rather be out a 25% restocking fee and shipping charges than $140
I do understand that it cost them to make the products and they have to pay someone to do all that, but no matter what you
are selling, I believe you should honor your work, your word, and make your customers happy.

I know it might not seem like much, but play money is hard to come by for me. And if by some good chance they decide they can't refund my money or won't accept the return.
I will offer the screen for sale for best offer, its like new, and no marks or anything, and maybe one of you guys can make it work.
Question: I rode the bike for the first time without my helmet ( forgive me ) and I noticed that the bike sounds a lot higher pitched without a helm on, and I can hear a slight ticking, It does not click clack or groan, but I was wondering if the motor sound does have a slight tick to it or is it time I check my valves ( i'm starting to get a little worried as i'm about to hit 26,000 miles.

any info helps.
Is it a motor sound or could it be the brake rotors or chain? Maybe try pushing the bike to see if the chain is the culprit and spinning the wheels while in the air for rotor noise checking. Normally the valves needing adjusted causes a vibration in the grips and not a ticking sound.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
I would think they are bound to keep their word. The employee spoke for the company - whether he/she is still employed or not.

I agree but am not sure what recourse you have. I'd not be shy of telling them that you have online friends that will hear about their customer "service"!

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
its deffinately a motor sound, i'm not sure if its just the cylinders and i suppose its more of a "tapping" sound.

It also might just be in my head a bit, as I've been reading about all the things you need to do to a bike on a 20k mile service, as like any other bike owner, i want to get the most life out of my bike without having to throw a bunch of money at it.

I do suppose I can go to a triumph dealer and let a service guy listen to it to see if its a normal sound or not.
Well....the 1200 has been described by many to sound like a diesel so it may be normal.

If it needs the valves adjusted...they are the shim type. I got shims at a Yamaha dealership

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
I would think they are bound to keep their word. The employee spoke for the company - whether he/she is still employed or not.

Sounds to me like he has enough documentation to go thru the credit card company to file a dispute and have his money refunded. The company will respond once they find out they are losing the money and the part in question.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
So yesterday I picked up some 43mm bars from a Honda F4I, and am in the process of installing them. Its not as easy as I had thought it would be, my main problems are that the throttle cable has developed a kink, and wont operate smoothly, and the clutch side grip is actually screwed onto the bar, first time i've seen anything like that. and the bars may be a bit too short. But i'm working on making them work, as they are actually very comfortable to me ( although i will loose the heated handgrips, but its texas, so not really a problem ) Hopefully I'll get it finished today, and see how it rides. I just need to drill some holes in the bars and then I think i'll be okay.

I also installed a 12v plug adapter in the left side compartment, that way I can charge a phone, etc, while out riding.

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