yeah, I suppose I'll try to pull the tire and use one of the "plug patch" things that most auto shops will do on car tires. I did notice when I plugged my previous tire, it did leak air, but that was also a road side job using cheap tools. Most of my riding on the bike is to and from work, which is only 15miles or so, and my speeds rarely get above 70, and even when I'm on an open highway, I rarely hit 100+ ( and everything i've read online, no one has said they have slug out plugs/patches, but have a friend of a friend who did )
I also usually always have my backpack with me, which has a tire plug kit, co2 cans, and other tools in it just in case.
In other news, I got quoted anywhere from 3-400 for a valve check/adjustment. i'm really debating on taking it to the shop, but not entirely sure.
- 5 mins away from my apartment
- they know what they are doing
- proper tools
- anywhere from $3-400 in labor ( ballpark said 3 - 4.5hrs @ $90 /hr labor )
- only personal time of mine spent is taking the bike to the shop and walking home
Doing it myself:
- I've checked valve clearances and adjusted only on a 2 valve single cylinder bike
- will have to drive 1hour to my parents to use our shop
- probably a full days job at best
- nearest shop from my parents is another 30mins away ( for buying shims )
- save a little money
- will probably have to order a box of shims or something
- will have to pull the cams ( if they need adjusting )
I see no need to do a full service check on it, everything he rattleded off on the phone was something I can do, have already done, and basically was stuff that non mechanically inclined people like to hear to make them feel good.
But i'm not even sure if it is the valves or not, only symptoms i'm thinking is whats causing it is the low ticking noise. ( no backfires, and seems to run okay, no smokey exhaust ( from burning oil through the valves )
Also, I want to adjust the cam chain, it could possibly be just needed tightened up. On these bikes, to you tighten the bolt ( clockwise ) to tighen the chain, or do you loosen ( counterclockwise ) to tighten the chain (i've seen it both ways )
Lastly, I locked up the rear tire again while riding, I'm not sure if these bikes are just really nose heavy, as I feel like i've not applied too much force, and It could possibly be that with my 140lbs of self combined with the new riding position of the bike could make the rear tire very light under a combo of front fork dive just takes all the weight off the rear. BUT, this also happened during the ride that got the nail in my tire, could they be connected or just a seperate incident?