Rode into town for a salad and some errands, and decided to run back north on I-25 just for the heck of it. Ran the bike at 5,000 which was sufficient to keep up with traffic in the R/H lane (and pass a few trucks), and while I would have preferred fewer rpms if I were to maintain that speed for a long time, the engine seemed fine.
Then I got off the bike and… yup. L/H Volvo horn had vibrated off the mount.

So… back down there on Friday for another $5.00 horn (there is an S40 whose grille is intact, so the horns should be in place.).
this time, I’ll be applying blue loctite to the threads of the horns’ fastening nuts. Maybe red…?
Also: installed the progressive-rate springs (unbranded/cheap from TBS) and… wow. What an improvement. I am more comfortable tossing it over going into the S-curve, and while a little less cushy over the bumps, the bike just handles better and the braking dive is reduced. Well worth $60 and 15 minutes to install them (that includes putting the bike on the lift).
As you can see, they are a bit longer than stock (the OEM springs were still the length called out in the manual as shown), and the additional preload means the bike is leaned over just a touch more on the sidestand—which was needed, really, as the extension I welded on was a bit too long. The ‘preload kit’ TBS includes is hilarious: a chunk of PVC pipe and two washers. Just cut a few slices and ‘dial in’ your desired preload!
Note: the OEM springs are free for the cost of postage, if someone wants a pair.