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We are up to 19 cases as of today, the cases are getting closer to where i live, now if i could just find some toilet paper i will "sit" and ride it out i have plenty things to do around the house and shop.

My solution for weathering the coronavirus storm (from the American Motorcycle Association):

I’m sure you’ve seen the meme on social media by now. Under the ominous warning “Be Advised:” it repeats much of the safety guidance we’re getting these days, appended with some smart, specific advice:

• Avoid crowded spaces: Ride motorcycles.
• Do not use public transportation: Ride motorcycles.
• Well-ventilated spaces are virus free: Ride motorcycles.
• Wear gloves: Ride motorcycles.
• Keep at least six feet from other people: Ride motorcycles.
• Keep a positive attitude: Ride motorcycles!

While the meme is intended to be a humorous diversion from the anxiety caused by a global pandemic, I intend to take its advice. I recommend you consider it, too.
We now have 85 cases so we starting to see local transmission of the virus. I think the way things work in Africa we going to now see a runaway effect starting with the virus in the next few days.
We now at 116 confirmed cases.

Unfortunately as I mention before this type of thing is our biggest threat right now.

It's truly like a sci-fi movie here in the los angeles area. I really never thought this is something i'd ever see in my lifetime. U go into large supermarkets here and there are litwerally 5 times as many people as thier usual busiest time and the meat dept literally is 99% empty. I wanted an onion one day to make a dish i had at the ready and in the store i went to, the kiosk that holds all types of onions and potatoes was completely emty. Came back the next day same thing. So i went to 2 other stores. Same thing at #2, and #3 had about 5 onions left and nothing else. Now everything but stores and other essential businesses are closed, school all closed probably p to summer break, and streets are like a ghost town. Mayor is asking everyone to self quarantine at home. I have seen sci-fi movies like this but never in my wildest dreams did i think it would become real life. I'm living off my bank account and social security so no worries here as far as job loss. But it's getting a bit scary.
I also need to remind myself that this is no sci-fi movies and it is real, my local shopping complex seems relatively normal up until now and I hope it stays that way.
More cases popping up each day here. Our work is reduced to minimum personnel(I work in snow removal) but fortunately spring is upon us so very little to do. Many businesses forced to close or minimize hours only to provide essentials.
Going to be a while to see how far this goes.
It is going to get worse before it gets better. Here, restaurants and bars are take out only. Some larger retaurants are still serving but only at 50% capacity to keep social distancing. All schools an universities are closed.
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