I wonder if it could be the actual starter solenoid? Needless to say, we're all waiting............... Jim
Similar story on my end (problems arose after kickstanding while running). 2009 Bonneville. I find it shocking that this issue persists in the newer models. If they're going to make the ECU so finicky you think they'd try to make diagnosis more straightforward.Hi folks
Just thought I'd add my experiences of this problem here in case it sheds any light to anyone who knows more about how these bikes work then I do (so that's just about everyone then!!).
I have a Tiger 800xc which I bought from new. It's only done 600 miles now.
When I bought the bike it had no problems at all but at about the 300 mile stage something happened following which I now have exactly the problem described here by others (starter cranks for a couple of turns then stops. If I hold the starter buttton down it resumes then the bike fires up).
Here's what I did by accident to make the problem start when it wasn't there before (and boy am I kicking myself now for doing it!!)
So. .. It all started because one time I was in gear with the clutch pulled in and I absent mindedly put the side stand down while the engine was running, clutch in, and in gear. Obviously the side stand switch did its job and killed the engine as it's supposed to. So I just thought 'stupid me, not concentrating'. But from then on I've had the problem described intermittently. Usually when the engine's hot. It's always OK staying from cold.
So I'm just wondering, if there are any technically savvy folks out there, does this help identify the problem, because something happened when that side stand switch cut out the motor.
So it seems to me if anyone knows EXACTLY which parts of the circuit are 'shorted/grounded etc' to get the engine to an abrupt halt it seems likely be that either one of those components got damaged by the cut out process, or at least maybe one of their connections was weakened by a spark or something depositing carbon on it during the deliberate 'short out', if that makes sense.
Anyway, something happened involving whichever parts of the electrical system are stressed by that side stand shutdown process.
Even though it shouldn't have done, could my incident have burnt out our damaged a weak 'something' that for others was never right to start with?
It's odd how shutting down the engine 'violently' (and it did, the whole thing just shut off in a second, not like when you just cut off fuel or stop the spark and the motor turns for a few seconds afterwards) have caused this.
It shut off like a my electric drill does when I release the trigger quickly. There is a small spark inside the drill body and the It stops instantly. Bosch call it some 'safety brake system'or some such.
If we could identify which elements get risky 'grounding' shorts or voltage fluctuations during that process it may give a shortlist of things to try swapping out.
Just a thought.
I had the same thing happen to my explorer and after several attempts to bypass safety--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello, all: Got a strange one for you here; sometimes, when I'm starting the T-100, I hit the button and it begins to turn over, then stops just like I'd released the button. I've tried playing with the clutch lever and the sidestand to no avail. Then, when it feels like it, it'll start right up. This can take a half-dozen stabs on the button, or just one extra. Sometimes it will go weeks without doing it, and then it comes back to haunt me. I'm going to ask the dealer, again, about it; originally, they said that this can happen once in a while. Not very reassuring, that answer, but the problem seemed to go away for a long time, but it's back lately. Any ideas?? Wondering if there's a recall on the problem.... time will tell, I guess.
Thanks: Jim