Thanks for the info, needed info!
Yep all tight, I will charge battery overnight and hopefully start her up tomorrow. I'll check battery with meter at cold and running to see if the rectifier cct is ok.Check that your battery cables are secured tightly. Someone else was having similar troubles, at this thread:
A gaggle of intermittent troubles
Checked the battery this morn, 12.4V and 12.3V with Ign on. Engine turned over fine so this voltage threshold may not be full story. Like others, can ride for 30 miles, stop for petrol and no start after filling up so is it just down to voltage. Charging is fine so why does it start from cold with low voltage but not start after battery is at a higher state of charge.VI: That is good news, excellent news. I'm led to believe that the issue seems to be that there is a voltage threshold below which the ECU will not allow the starter to spin. One wonders if this threshold" has now been lowered so that newer bikes do not have the problem. Sort of a secret recall--"We don't admit anything, but we've improved the new ECU."
Hello, all: Got a strange one for you here; sometimes, when I'm starting the T-100, I hit the button and it begins to turn over, then stops just like I'd released the button. I've tried playing with the clutch lever and the sidestand to no avail. Then, when it feels like it, it'll start right up. This can take a half-dozen stabs on the button, or just one extra. Sometimes it will go weeks without doing it, and then it comes back to haunt me. I'm going to ask the dealer, again, about it; originally, they said that this can happen once in a while. Not very reassuring, that answer, but the problem seemed to go away for a long time, but it's back lately. Any ideas?? Wondering if there's a recall on the problem.... time will tell, I guess.
Thanks: Jim
Today all is good again. I had the battery on charge all night but the headlight wasn't going dull when I tried to start before, so it's still a mystery.My 2010 T100 has had this intermitant problem for a while now.
4 months ago I replaced the Dynavolt battery with a new Yuasa.
And still the problem continues.
It has developed today to not starting at all. My friend came to my asistance and we jump started it with a Toyota hooked up with leads.
I have had the battery on charge at home and it is still playing up.
I have checked all connections by undoing them and tighten up again.
My side stand switch looks a bit dodgy it's loose and not doig anything .
I didn't even know it had one because it has never done any thing.
If it doesn't start in the morning and take the battery to the place I bought it and get it checked.
Also I have seen online about joining the brown wire to the black wire and doing away with the side stand switch altogether.
We will see what tomorow brings.
Yes back when I used to live in the Northern Territory and I was riding a 1963 bonneville I used to know every roadhouse that had a battery charger.It's been a long time since I originally posted on this subject, and my T100 still pulls the "parlor trick" every now and then. I simply have learned to live with it.
I must be getting old: Jim