Ok. Here is how it went.
Friday. Practice day.
Had a power commander and quick-shifter fitted during the week, and only got the bike ready by about 9am on Friday morning.
Then I had to have some vinyl race numbers made, and wasted another hour sorting that out. Loaded up the bike and all the gear
and set off for the track, collecting numbers on the way.
Got stopped in a road block on the highway about 30km from the circuit, and recieved a R500 (approx $65) fine for failing to display licence disk (it fell off and got lost).
Arrived at the circuit at approx noon, which meant I had missed two of the available four practice sessions. Offloaded everything and found a pit space.
Nerves are shredded, and it is approx 29 deg centigrade. Did documentation etc.
Went out for practice at 3.15pm and did four laps. Bike running beautifully and I am learning the quick-shifter as well as the circuit. By this time I am absolutely knackered
so decided to call it a day.
Discovered that scrutineering was open, so went for that, and they asked me to go away and remove the belly pan, so they could check the sump plug had been lock-wired.
Did this, and recieved a clean bill of health as far as scrutineering was concerned.
Packed up my riding gear, tyre warmers etc, and went home..... frazzled.
Had a great nights sleep and left home early. No road-blocks.
Collected transponder and completed remainder of documentation by 7.30 am. Qualifying was at 9.15 so had a gap to take stock
of everything. Feeling quite relaxed, but as 9.15 got closer, so the nerves started to tighten.
By the time we went out for quali' my heart rate was through the roof, but as soon as I got onto the track things settled down to a mild panic.
The bike ran like a dream.
Qualified 35th out of 45 bikes. Quite happy.
The first heat was at 1.15pm, so had plenty of time to relax, eat a little and just chill until then, which was great.
First heat.
This was the first time I had done a grid start, and got away quite well. Got a bit flustered throuth the first complex of bends, but kept it on the black stuff
and carried on. All was well, and then the heat was red-flagged after two laps due to an accident. As far as I know the rider was not badly hurt.
We are now on the grid again, awaiting the re-start and it is BOILING hot. So much so that officials ended up bring us water, some of which was drunk and some of
which was squirted into race suit for cooling.
Off go the lights and we are away again. The balance of the race was uneventful, but I was having FUN, and finished in 34th place, one up from my qualifying position.
Very happy.
Another long delay until the second heat, which took place at 5pm. DaveB came to my pit and we chewed the fat for an hour or so. Had a wander around
looking at all the bikes.
Second heat.
It was a little cooler, and the nerves not so bad this time. Again I made a reasonable start, but stuttered a bit, and lost a few places.
Had a great "dice" with four other bikes and managed to finish the race without incident. Had a real blast!!
My fastest lap in heat two was a second slower than heat one. I finished heat two in 38th place.
Into parc-ferme for some reason.... then back to pits, parked the bike and had a big "phew" moment.
FYI the bikes in this class are 600 to 1000 cc. My Daytona performed faultlessly, and the fairing didn't fall off.
The end.