i have buried both parents, my youngest son, and the love of my life - my soul mate, I am painfully aware of what it is like to bury a family member. I still miss them and think of them every single day. Check out our "In Memory Of section. I have also attended the burials, funerals, services of far too may comrades in arms. I have seen the elephant close up and personal. If you are not familiar with this expression, look it up.
I am in the critical age group for this Chinese virus. I am near the end of my years anyway you choose to look at it. While I am not looking forward to dying, I am going to enjoy what ever days God has given me to the fullest. I am not going to take unnecessary risks; but I am not going to end my life cooped up in a house. I will get out when I can taking the precautions I can. I am an outdoors guy. I love life and I will live it to the fullest. Being safe is not necessarily living. If being safe were my primary concern, I wouldn't ride motorcycles. Please don't judge me unless you have walked in my boots.
I am not offended; nor do i want to offend you. I just want you to to realize that there are very different world views based on our experiences. I respect and understand what you said. At 53, I might have responded the same way. Please respect and understand that i have a different take based on my life experiences. I wish you health, happiness and a long life. Ride safe!