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Well now have 402 cases so it seems to spike each day as we hear of more cases being reported.

So we wait in anticipation to hear what the president has to say later tonight.
Unfortunately we dealing with people like this our side.

It was bound to happen. Smokey caught the Bandit! In North Carolina and a stolen semi truck and trailer were found. The trailer contained 8000 pounds/3629 kilograms of toilet paper and paper towels.

I have mixed feelings about closing the beaches. some municipalities and counties here in Florida have closed the beaches and state parks are now closed. However, people need to get outside and have some safe place to go where they can distance themselves from others. New Smyrna Beach took what I think is the right approach. They monitor and patrol the beach and close it when it starts to become crowded. Patrols keep groups of more than six from forming.. If a group forms that exceeds six, all in that group ordered to leave the beach and are escorted off the beach.

This allows folks to safely get outdoors and enjoy freah air and sunshine. Areas like the Canaveral National Seashore are still open; but closely monitored.

Fortunately I live in the suburbs on a half acre lot. So I have room to get out and move around. I can walk and ride my bicycle. And I still get out in the countryside on my Tiger. But I avoid crowds and restaurants,
When my grandmother had Polio she was quarentined to her room for 6 months and the family was quarantined to the farm for the same amount of time. During a pandemic no one needs to go out. And about. Being cooped up in a home where you are safe is not hard. Having to bury a family member or a friends ashes when all this is done. That's hard. Really hard. Stay home unless you need essentials. Make a plan to get essentials only once per week max and let the essential services do their job.
When my grandmother had Polio she was quarentined to her room for 6 months and the family was quarantined to the farm for the same amount of time. During a pandemic no one needs to go out. And about. Being cooped up in a home where you are safe is not hard. Having to bury a family member or a friends ashes when all this is done. That's hard. Really hard. Stay home unless you need essentials. Make a plan to get essentials only once per week max and let the essential services do their job.
i have buried both parents, my youngest son, and the love of my life - my soul mate, I am painfully aware of what it is like to bury a family member. I still miss them and think of them every single day. Check out our "In Memory Of section. I have also attended the burials, funerals, services of far too may comrades in arms. I have seen the elephant close up and personal. If you are not familiar with this expression, look it up.

I am in the critical age group for this Chinese virus. I am near the end of my years anyway you choose to look at it. While I am not looking forward to dying, I am going to enjoy what ever days God has given me to the fullest. I am not going to take unnecessary risks; but I am not going to end my life cooped up in a house. I will get out when I can taking the precautions I can. I am an outdoors guy. I love life and I will live it to the fullest. Being safe is not necessarily living. If being safe were my primary concern, I wouldn't ride motorcycles. Please don't judge me unless you have walked in my boots.

I am not offended; nor do i want to offend you. I just want you to to realize that there are very different world views based on our experiences. I respect and understand what you said. At 53, I might have responded the same way. Please respect and understand that i have a different take based on my life experiences. I wish you health, happiness and a long life. Ride safe!
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i have buried both parents, my youngest son, and the love of my life - my soul mate, I am painfully aware of what it is like to bury a family member. I still miss them and think of them every single day. Check out our "In Memory Of section. I have also attended the burials, funerals, services of far too may comrades in arms. I have seen the elephant close up and personal. If you are not familiar with this expression, look it up.

I am in the critical age group for this Chinese virus. I am near the end of my years anyway you choose to look at it. While I am not looking forward to dying, I am going to enjoy what ever days God has given me to the fullest. I am not going to take unnecessary risks; but I am not going to end my life cooped up in a house. I will get out when I can taking the precautions I can. I am an outdoors guy. I love life and I will live it to the fullest. Being safe is not necessarily living. If being safe were my primary concern, I wouldn't ride motorcycles. Please don't judge me unless you have walked in my boots.

I am not offended; nor do i want to offend you. I just want you to to realize that there are very different world views based on our experiences. I respect and understand what you said. At 53, I might have responded the same way. Please respect and understand that i have a different take based on my life experiences. I wish you health, happiness and a long life. Ride safe!
Those are great words. I am proud to meet you in this forum. I am hoping for the best thru all this I just want the stupid people to please realize that the danger is real and be smart about being out and about.
I just get sick of 2 thing. Those who don't care if they infect someone else because they believe they will not be harmed by this virus. Those who think it is to hard to do what's right and use the excuse "it is my right"
Ride Safe and be wise. (I already know you are from the paragraphs above).
She doesn't seem to care about others' lives; I would not be overly concerned with the danger to her life. I think she has devalued her own life. Harsh? Cold? Maybe I am toward inconsiderate idoits like that person.
Those are great words. I am proud to meet you in this forum. I am hoping for the best thru all this I just want the stupid people to please realize that the danger is real and be smart about being out and about.
I just get sick of 2 thing. Those who don't care if they infect someone else because they believe they will not be harmed by this virus. Those who think it is to hard to do what's right and use the excuse "it is my right"
Ride Safe and be wise. (I already know you are from the paragraphs above).

I am honored to meet you on the forum and would love to meet yuou in person - after the Chinese virus plague is over. I agree with you 100% on those 2 things. I am not visiting friends or relatives except the six guys I regularly ride with. Even then, we keep our six foot distance, do not shake hands and do not hug. I do not want to catch this thing and certainly do not wish to give it to anyone else.
I went out early this morning to go and get our monthly medication. I sat outside the pharmacy for about 30 minutes before it opened. When the doors hete were about another 10 people waiting. It was not that bad got our meds and left.

I then needed to go and get a few items of food stuff that we did not have. When I got to the Spar parking was hard to find. Eventually,I got into the store and started looking for the few items we still needed. The shelves were emptying fast.

I found most of the items but also only just got them taking the last off the shelves.

I hate to see what will be left for those that can only do this after work today..
Proud to have you all as forum members .
Here in Canada’s smallest but most densely populated province with the highest ratio of old folks , we have introduced fines up to 10,000 cdn $ for not following what were strong suggestions . As a Rotarian and son in law of a gentleman who spent most of his life with one leg shorter than the other as a result of the Polio pandemic, I can see the necessity the actions . Having said that sending the bride out for a little drive seems to help and can’t wait for a lonely ride myself ...
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