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Mississippi has just reached the 60 mark with 1 death, the neighboring counties have 1 infection each, my county (Lincoln) hasn't had one yet but will soon I'm sure. I live out in the country a few miles from town and feel safe but i will still have to go to town soon for food ( if there is any) and prescription's ect., I am thinking about stopping by the co-op and picking up a bag of corn, never know if putting out a food plot for the deer might be in order in the near future.
Mississippi has just reached the 60 mark with 1 death, the neighboring counties have 1 infection each, my county (Lincoln) hasn't had one yet but will soon I'm sure. I live out in the country a few miles from town and feel safe but i will still have to go to town soon for food ( if there is any) and prescription's ect., I am thinking about stopping by the co-op and picking up a bag of corn, never know if putting out a food plot for the deer might be in order in the near future.

I would definitely do that if I still lived on the ranch. In fact, I will do it. I can still put it out on the tnch if I need to.
Didn’t feel to bad about being stuck inside this week , had a chest cold that keep coming and going anyway so thought it best to stay in . Tuesday was feeling way better ,went out for a one hour walk , Wednesday start going backwards again . Just had my personal physician here and my wife took the prescription to the pharmacy . The wife and I are talking on a regular basis . She seems like a nice person ...
Didn’t feel to bad about being stuck inside this week , had a chest cold that keep coming and going anyway so thought it best to stay in . Tuesday was feeling way better ,went out for a one hour walk , Wednesday start going backwards again . Just had my personal physician here and my wife took the prescription to the pharmacy . The wife and I are talking on a regular basis . She seems like a nice person ...
Better keep her on your side.
It wouldn't play for me, but by now everyone should know most of what there is to know about the virus and the precautions to take.
The hardest step is for the often stupid human race to abide by the precautions.

6 more cases here brought in by travelers from cruise ships, etc.
Did not play for me either.

I should have got one of those shopping carts about a week ago, everything is almost gone now. Our state is up to 207 cases and the local hospital have some test that are being worked on now. the increase of cases are projected to start skyrocketing today, all of those kids must have made it back from spring break.
Coronavirus Cases:
view by country

As of 2200HRS MST

4.3% Death Rate - This is not the FLU - This is a Pandemic that will kill millions upon millions if we keep going out and seeing friends and family.

In Italy right now doctors are having to decide who lives and who dies because they did not heed the warning of the WHO

The groups of young adults out for spring break may have signed the death certificate for millions.

The worst part is a Dr. will see a healthyish 25 yr old (who was at a spring fling) and give that person a respirator even thou the 60yr who socially distanced themselves, did everything they could to not get infected and just happened to pick up the virus will not get a respirator. Prob some fella who ones a Bonnie and has had a few medical issues normal to a 50+ person.

I am hoping all are safe, be kind and stay the frig home if you can.

Your Pal Duezzer
We now at 274 cases and two recoveries, no deaths as yet. Our president was supposed to address the nation last night but this was put off for today. Most people are wanting a total lockdown at this point. So we will see what the president's address today has to say.
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It was bound to happen. Smokey caught the Bandit! In North Carolina and a stolen semi truck and trailer were found. The trailer contained 8000 pounds/3629 kilograms of toilet paper and paper towels.

Yes we all hope so as some people need to be told what they must do, thinking for yourself just does not seem to work.

Our city has closed all the beaches and public facilities so that is a start.
I have mixed feelings about closing the beaches. some municipalities and counties here in Florida have closed the beaches and state parks are now closed. However, people need to get outside and have some safe place to go where they can distance themselves from others. New Smyrna Beach took what I think is the right approach. They monitor and patrol the beach and close it when it starts to become crowded. Patrols keep groups of more than six from forming.. If a group forms that exceeds six, all in that group ordered to leave the beach and are escorted off the beach.

This allows folks to safely get outdoors and enjoy freah air and sunshine. Areas like the Canaveral National Seashore are still open; but closely monitored.

Fortunately I live in the suburbs on a half acre lot. So I have room to get out and move around. I can walk and ride my bicycle. And I still get out in the countryside on my Tiger. But I avoid crowds and restaurants,
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