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People are starting to go into panic mode, overstock and hoard stuff, not just TP and hand sanitizer anymore. Hard to find a loaf of bread or a lot of dry goods being cleaned out. If you go to the grocery store once a week or every two weeks like most people did before this pandemic, there would still be lots for everyone.
People need to stop the panic and live life as close to normal as possible. Just self isolate, stay home as much as possible and keep your distance from your fellow human beings. Because of the panic buttons and those who don't think they have to follow the rules for this, we will have the Emergency Measures Act(used the be called the War Measures Act) forced on us soon. This will give the Federal Gov't pretty well absolute power to do anything they want. I don't like the sounds of that at all.
There was an instance here yesterday of a person shopping for groceries during the senior hour who had returned from Florida the day before.
When challenged was totally unrepentant and had the ,"I have a right attitude."
It's these idiots that we have to be afraid of.
So far around here people are being civil, everyone seems to be staying at home and acting right. Went to a country meat market early this morning and was able to get a few bags of food with no problem but the place was filling up fast when i was leaving. With this and the food we have my wife and i are good for a few weeks.
Rocky ..
My fav daughter was at Martock week end before last with the two snowboarders . Looks like they had good conditions but once off the hill appears you have zero snow . Must be a few keeners out there testing the gravel on the way to Pete’s Fruitique .
Will have to make a supply run soon . Have no reports of how things are going out there .Probably not much excitement but could see a few idiots , these are strange times .
As I mentioned before our culture in SA just don't do well with understanding this issue. We were told no public gathering of more than 100 people. Churches have closed down.

So on the news today 17 news cases have been reported from the same church service held Sunday.
That is really cool.

As I mentioned before our culture in SA just don't do well with understanding this issue. We were told no public gathering of more than 100 people. Churches have closed down.

So on the news today 17 news cases have been reported from the same church service held Sunday.
Most of the church's here cancelled services and went to online streamng voluntarily before any official limitations were ordered. One church is holding services at an old drive in theater where members stay in their cars keeping the social distances.
Well ive just been laid off till its over a bit gutted and a bit worried ... bills dont pay them selves !
I have enough to keep us going for a couple of months but any longer and the repo man will be round GLOOM
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