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The other day when our provincial Premier was ending a TV news conference update on the virus situation, he said to the viewers, "Stay the blazes home!"
Local entrepreneurs picked up on that very quickly, and little did he know he had spawned a series of merchandise; T-shirts, coffee mugs, pillows, and other merchandise emblazoned with the phrase "STAY THE BLAZES HOME" - even a local country song BGRIN
He isn't one of the most popular leaders we've ever had, but has suddenly become somewhat of a folk hero BGRIN
From what I hear, much/most of the sales money is going to charity.

The last I heard, our cases are up around 300 now, but no deaths and only a few in hospital.

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The conspiracy theories going around are something else. The guy who said Covid-19 tests are contaminated likely buys in to one of the conspiracies. The problem is it's all well presented and quite believable so there are going to be many folk taken in.

One such theory blames 5G networks for making people sick with flu-like symptoms and the Covid-19 tests are designed to infect people with Covid-19 so the symptoms are present outside the range of 5G networks as part of a world-wide cover up. There's other theories as well.

It amazes me that people, knowing this is all nonsense portray it all as fact. Either that or, more likely, they are delusional themselves.

On the other hand, for all I know it could be true - however far-fetched. I don't know what to believe these days there's so much nonsense and manipulation going on.

Stay safe all.
I have a longtime friend that believes all of these conspiracy theories. I have given up trying to convince him otherwise.
And there is a lot of blessing to go around ...

Those healthcare workers in the front line
Those packers in the stores keeping the shelves stocked.
Those looking after abandoned animals.
Those looking after the forgotten elderly.
Those ............
I question a lot of what is going on. Local curfews? Are they kidding me? How is that supposed to help? No one, or at least few people are out at that time of night due to everything being forced to be closed and most people aren't out at that time anyway. Photos of empty hospitals that are starting to hit multiple web sites but the nightly news says they are full and people are being turned away. The flu will kill more people this year that this bug. More folks will be gunned down in gun free Chicago than will die from this in Illinois.

Don't get me wrong, there is a need to be vigilant in keeping ourselves healthy but when the government jumps in and goes stupid, I have a problem with that.

Has Sweden Found the Right Solution to the Coronavirus?
The Premier of Alberta, where I live, is now projecting a possible 25% unemployment rate - the highest in Canada since records have been kept. I hope that projection is wrong as that would be awful. It's a double whammy of low oil prices and covid-19.
The Premier of Alberta, where I live, is now projecting a possible 25% unemployment rate - the highest in Canada since records have been kept. I hope that projection is wrong as that would be awful. It's a double whammy of low oil prices and covid-19.
Unemployment has skyrocketed here. To help small businesses, the federal government is granted small business loans to allow small businesses to keep paying employees even if the business is shut down. If the employer keeps the employees on the payroll, the loan will turn inot a grant and will not have to be paid back.

From what I am reading my side it does not look like the USA is doing very well right now.

US records highest Covid-19 deaths in single day

Source - ArcGIS Dashboards

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Actually the US is doing okay considering. In New York, it appears the virus has peaked. The number of cases, the number of deaths, the number of required hospital beds is 30 to 50 percent lower than was projected.

Also, anyone who has the virus and dies is classed as a coronavirus death by the federal government even if there were other causes. This is not true in a lot of other countries, including China. A lot of others will attribute the death to a heat attack, renal failure, etc. Not that there is anything wrong with that, one must keep the varying ways of reporting in mind mind when reading statistics.

That said, the US was hit hard - but not as hard as was predicted WHO and our own CDC.

In Florida we are reaching pour peak now.
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