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Agree, it's a terrible situation and you want to help him, but you also have to look out for yourself.
I hope he makes it through this pandemic, but he probably lives in a township that will get hit very hard FACE
Carl, what will the punishment be for these people?
In my state those assumed healthy but quarantined to be sure ie, just arrived back into the country get $1,000 on the spot fine for going out. Those in quarantine and tested positive face $10,000 fine and 6 months locked up for going outside.
We having a few people doing this and they were arrested and charged with attempted murder.

Kevin and Dave. The punishment here in my state is an on the spot $500 fine. They could be charged with attempted second degree murder; but that is not likely to happen. However, if they are caught again, it will happen.

As for locking them them up - that is a whole different problem. They would have to be locked up in isolation.
All parks, gardens, trails, etc., are closed and the police have been given power of arrest, fines and confiscation of vehicles - and it has already happened to at least one stupid individual.
Violators need to be dealt with in a harsh manner.
This "I won't be told" attitude is more than just plain stupid FACE
That confiscation of vehicles is a great idea. I like that.

Here trails and some parks are still open, particularly hiking and bike trails. Parks that attract large groups of people are closed. Boat launches are open. People need to get out, exercise and get fresh air. We can go to essential businesses, walk our dogs and exercise. We must maintain social distancing.

So many innocent and hard-up people are going to be hurt by this pandemic.
Fellows like that who live hand-to-mouth are in a dire situation.
A critical and sad time for millions/billions of people.
Yes, and that is a tragedy. I am blessed to be retired.
Still no deaths here on Prince Edward Island and no new cases in a few days . Chief health officer says don’t slack off keep the pedal to the metal . Living on an island has its advantages but still costs almost $20 to get off via that 9 mile long bridge . That’s for the bike , car is $ 40 .
wash hands.jpg

We have a locally, maybe Texas wide famous bridge just south of us in Houston call the "BE SOMEBONE" Bridge because the graffiti usually says. . . "BE SOMEONE"
Be Someone.jpeg

A couple weeks ago just before they started issuing the STAY AT HOME order in Harris County my son took this photo on his way to work downtown..
Be Someone.jpg
A firefighter in Florida may have been in isolation while recovering from coronavirus, but his department made sure he wouldn't feel alone. The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue shared a video Friday on Facebook of a surprise for one of its own still in the hospital recovering from COVID-19.

The department said the firefighter, who was not named, was recuperating at Kendall Regional Medical Center and "feeling isolated from the rest of the world."

Video released by Miami-Dade Fire Rescue shows a fire truck from Station 36 arriving outside the hospital as firefighters begin to set up to send their greetings.

"There they are, all this for me," the firefighter can be heard saying in the video, in-between heavy breaths.

After gearing up and equipped with "Get Well Soon" cards, firefighters then approached the fourth-floor hospital window on the fire truck's ladder. A firefighter holds up a sign that reads "Your New Firehouse" while visiting a colleague who has been hospitalized due to the coronavirus and feeling isolated from the world.

“This is love. This is the only kind of love you can get from the brother and sisterhood at the firehouse," the MDFR firefighter can be heard saying in the video. "There is just no other way to explain how this makes me feel."

That's a nice story Carl, well done to those firemen!
So many people are showing the better side of humanity at this time ... Like the two police officers over here who when patrolling a neighbourhood saw an older man mowing his lawn. They parked and took the job over until finished then continued the normal day.
Two hours ago I had to visit the supermarket for milk, eggs and bread. Fewer people about and those out were VERY much more friendly than normal.
Thank you, Kevin. Great story about the Policew Officers. That mighty good of them. They have my respect. Was the supermarket pretty well stocked? Over here, the hoarders abound.
Thank you, Kevin. Great story about the Policew Officers. That mighty good of them. They have my respect. Was the supermarket pretty well stocked? Over here, the hoarders abound.
Shops fully stocked except for a few products. Toilet paper shelves empty so I asked a staffer, he got an eight-pack for me from the storeroom. Honestly (talking of being out on the street) from my "selfish" perspective I'd like to see it like this all of the time.
Shops fully stocked except for a few products. Toilet paper shelves empty so I asked a staffer, he got an eight-pack for me from the storeroom. Honestly (talking of being out on the street) from my "selfish" perspective I'd like to see it like this all of the time.
I hear you and I agree!! The supermarket here are pretty woill stocked escept for toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer and bleach.
I hear you and I agree!! The supermarket here are pretty woill stocked escept for toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer and bleach.
There's no reason for us to run out of products. We in a country the same size as mainland USA have 25 million people of which 37 have died from this virus, most of them are elderly returning passengers from cruise ships. We have 5,750 confirmed cases and the infection rate has been dropping for the last 5 days. Sure this can all go wrong but ... ATT it's looking real good compared with most other countries.
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