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Please keep us updated on the situation your side as reliable information is hard to find these days.
A close friend works for the Federal Gov (clerical) he's now working from home. He's been given an official letter identifying him and stating that he's an essential worker and permitted to travel. This clearly is a precaution and a suggestion that things are likely to get much worse. Our army have for some time been training in civilian lock down and were deployed yesterday to support police. Police and army are in charge of all returning citizens from overseas and keeping them in hotels isolated for 14 days before being free to continue home.
My grand kids log in with their normal teacher each day. They then download the days lesson and a system is in place similar to text messaging for real time communication. Clearly the failure of such a system long term will be loss of social interaction.
This is very similar to what is happening with the schools in the State of Florida. Not only in primary and secondary education but in the colleges, too. The loss of social interaction, the sports, band, the arts, etc. is irreversible.
We have on top of it all been downgraded to junk status by Moody's Moody's cuts South Africa's credit rating to junk

We have now got 1180 confirmed cases. The way people are still interacting with each other even after lockdown I fear this number is so far out that we would be shocked if we knew the actual number of infected people.

With the technology we have today I like what Australia is doing with virtual learning @otherwise is right about the negative impact of socializing skills. Kevin you guys have been doing distance learning for a very long time in the outbacks have you not?
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There was a guy on TV from the United Nations and he was saying that Africa is the biggest threat in the world with this virus. Apparently they feel Africa does not have the resources to fight this virus. It will then mutate into more resistant strains that would be more difficult to fight.

He further went on to say the world need to come together to help fight it now in Africa :eek:
There was a guy on TV from the United Nations and he was saying that Africa is the biggest threat in the world with this virus. Apparently they feel Africa does not have the resources to fight this virus. It will then mutate into more resistant strains that would be more difficult to fight.

He further went on to say the world need to come together to help fight it now in Africa :eek:

I've been reading that China after it's initial failure at home and subsequent success dealing with this virus is now taking the international lead and sending medical equipment to many foreign countries, eg, face masks, gown & goggles to Ireland, test kits & masks to The United States. I'm sure they will be helping Africa but I haven't stumbled onto any reports yet.
We have on top of it all been downgraded to junk status by Moody's Moody's cuts South Africa's credit rating to junk

We have now got 1180 confirmed cases. The way people are still interacting with each other even after lockdown I fear this number is so far out that we would be shocked if we knew the actual number of infected people.

With the technology we have today I like what Australia is doing with virtual learning @otherwise is right about the negative impact of socializing skills. Kevin you guys have been doing distance learning for a very long time in the outbacks have you not?

Yes it's called The School Of The Air. Originally a two way radio classroom but now internet technology. I understand the system wasn't suited for quick introduction into urban environments, hence our state government introduced the existing system. I'm unsure if all of our states are using the same system or each independently developing slightly different approaches. Our Prime Minister dithered on closing schools but our state Premiers took the lead and stood up to him. Personally I don't like our Premier or her politics but she is showing the national leaders that lives are more important than the economy.
I've been reading that China after it's initial failure at home and subsequent success dealing with this virus is now taking the international lead and sending medical equipment to many foreign countries, eg, face masks, gown & goggles to Ireland, test kits & masks to The United States. I'm sure they will be helping Africa but I haven't stumbled onto any reports yet.

Well I sure hope they do as our current health facilities were not able to give basic care to the people before this outbreak and we expect in a few weeks the virus will be well out of control here. For those of us that are fortunate enough to have private medical insurance we are also worried that the private health care can handle what is coming our way.

This 21 day lock down we doing and now in day two, well we expect the worst to start in about a week or two, so I cannot see 21 days doing much to stop it. If they really want to isolate it we would need at least 3 month lock down and possibly even a curfew imposed as the people that are the most vulnerable are the very people that are not taking the lock down seriously.
As the situation seems to be worsening around the globe we are always here for those that feel they need a bit of support or just to sound off about how they feeling.

Stay Safe BBEER


When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
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