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Infection with Covid-19.
This is how it goes down:

# Day 1 to 3
1. Symptoms are almost equivalent to a cold.
2. Slight sore throat.
3. No fever, no fatigue.
4. You still eat normally.

# Day 4
1. Sore throat and body aches.
2. Make a hoarse sound.
3. Body temperature is about 36.5 C.
4. Start affecting eating habits.
5. Slight headache.
6. Mild diarrhea or digestive problems.

# Day 5
1. Sore throat and hoarseness.
2. Slight fever, temperature between 36.5 and 36.7 C
3. Weakness and joint pain.

# Day 6
1. Slight fever, approx. 37°C.
2. Cough with mucus or dry cough.
3. Sore throat when eating, speaking or swallowing.
4. Fatigue, nausea.
5. Occasional difficulty breathing.
6. Sore fingers.
7. Diarrhea and vomiting.

# Day 7
1. Fever is higher, ranging from 37.4 to 37.8 C
2. Lots of coughing with phlegm.
3. Body and headaches.
4. Worsening diarrhea.
5. Vomiting.

# Day 8
1. Fever, between 38°C or above.
2. Difficulty breathing, feeling heavy in the chest with each breath.
3. Persistent cough.
4. Headache, joint pain and hip pain.

# Day 9
1.Symptoms don't change, but they can get worse.
2. Fever gets worse.
3. The cough is persistent and more serious than before.
4. It's difficult to breathe.
5. Putting in efforts to breathe.

# At this point, blood tests and lung x-rays are needed.

# Forward and share.

# Education is key.

# Each one teach one

Please attach importance to this problem and don't take chances.

Wear a mask, pay attention to hygiene, wash hands diligently, avoid parties, cancel travel plans.

If you don't mind I am wondering where you find this information. I have been looking everywhere. Thanks.
On our first day of lockdown we recorded our first two deaths.

Watching the updates on TV some of our townships it's businesses as usual.

So far in my suburb I have seen no movement at all. I almost feel like we the only people living here.
I live close to a major university and hospital and the foot traffic around this neighborhood is always busy - along with a some local vehicle traffic and from people short-cutting through to get to and from work during rush hours.
I see dog-walkers once in a while, and the occasional vehicle, otherwise the street is eerily quiet.
Our cases are slowly increasing, but few hospitalizations and no deaths so far.
Watching TV today we still going to see a very large death rate our side as the people in the townships are just largely ignoring this lockdown.

If this lockdown only last 21 days it will suprise me.
I was listening to a Canadian expert on African affairs on the radio yesterday. He has worked in Africa for many years doing humanitarian work and knows the countries, cultures, living conditions, way of life, etc.
He painted a very bleak picture of what is going to happen there. It's going to be a humanitarian disaster and will kill many thousands.
Like Dave said, the townships in South Africa aren't paying attention and it will sweep through them like wildfire.
He said so many other African countries are coping with HIV and tuberculosis and they don't have high quality health care. They will never be able to cope with the epidemic.

BTW, I haven't shaved for 15 days and am long overdue for a haircut. Can you say "shaggy dog" BGRIN
And no, there won't be any selfies!
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