Another Nor'easter

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We get that crazy yo-yo winter weather all the time.
The city has been working at night to try and clear the packed ice off the streets with huge grading machines and loaders.
I don't recall this ever happening in the 52 years I've lived at this address.
The main streets are clear, but the residential side streets can only be driven at a crawl.
Just as I was getting up this morning they were working on my street.
I was dismayed to look out and see that they had filled my driveway full of huge chunks of ice.
This was going to be back-breaking work for me to remove.
After they had left and the sun was up I looked out to see that they had removed all the ice from my driveway.
I take back all the "blessings" I had heaped upon them, their ancestors and unborn children BGRIN
From a Dallas radio station website . . .
"With all the cold weather, freezing rain and snow we have had here in Texas, this Zac Brown Band parody kind of sums it up for all of us, doesn’t it?

I don’t know about you, but I do not own a snow shovel, an ice scraper, or even a real cold weather coat! Is there anything in this parody that isnt true?

The Holderness Family, the geniuses who gave us the “Christmas Jammies” video (among many others), are back with ‘We Suck in Colder Weather,’ playing off Zac Brown Band’s hit, “Colder Weather.”

It looks like the Texas winter isnt over yet, either. We could see some freezing rain and snow again Wednesday night into Thursday morning! Keep it on KNUE for all the breaking weather details, and of course stay up to date with all the school closings and delays right here on our website.

And in the meantime, enjoy this greatness! "

Will winter ever let go of it's icy grip? Going to -20C here tonight. That's not including the wind chill factor. Don't wanna know, it would just depress me. I gotta work tonight......:ice:
Yeah, I woke up to -14C (7F) this morning after a couple of fairly mild days at around freezing or just barely above.
The layer of ice on many streets and all the sidewalks is as much as 15cm (5-6") thick.
I don't ever remember it being this bad.
Several weeks ago we had a very heavy snow storm which turned to rain and then the temps dropped like a stone freezing all the wet slush solid before it could be cleared.
The temps have been brutally low ever since and there has been no chance for it to break up.
Most of the residential side streets are a mass of icy potholes and you can only crawl along in your vehicle or you will beat it to death.
The city is trying to break the ice up, but it's a massive job to do. At least the main thoroughfares are down to pavement, but the streets are narrow because of all the snowbanks.
The long range forecast is for little change through March as long as the jet stream hold sits position and allows all that col Arctic air to sweep down.
Those in southern US states have been getting some of this cold air too so they know a bit about what we're talking about.
Oh boy, I could not take that FACE
Sure you could.
It just shot up to a blistering -10C (14F) so we're taking our jackets off for the rest of the day and may strip down to T-shirts BGRIN
It's a bright and sunny day, and you can feel the heat of the sun on your face, so at least that's something.
Not enough to do much to all that ice though FACE
Get ready Rocky.
Another one possible for Sunday.
And it was 8C here yesterday and the snow melted quite a bit.
Knew it was just a tease.
FACE yes, I heard the news FACE
We enjoyed that quick melt too, but another nor'easter is coming on Sunday.
Just when it looked like we were going to get a break.
The spring bike show is on 20 March, but I don't think many of us will be able to get bikes out.
Will the carnage ever end :y40:

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