Another Nor'easter

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We only got about 10cm (4") of snow, but it was enough for the city plows to come out and, of course FACE they filled in my driveway to the street again.
It's -5C (23F) this morning with some wind so it will be cool out there with the wind chill.
I think I'll wait until later in the AM to go out and workSIGH
Well, I just had a great experience in the snow - if there is such a thing when you don't ski or snowmobile BGRIN
I was standing in my driveway to the street looking at that small mountain of frozen snow that I had to remove.
I guess I was looking forlorn because as a city bobcat came along the driver motioned for me to get out of the way.
He removed every bit of it, waved me goodbye and drove away. What a great guy TUP TUP
These are the machines that the city uses to clear the sidewalks, so he was either just riding along or maybe helping home owners out.
Whatever it was, I'm very thankful :goodwork:

More snow had come down last night than I thought so I got the blower out and cleared my driveway to the garage.
This is the bobcat machine.
Oh, yes............been down here since the 5th. Will be hooking up with Carl next week or so, as he's got some business to get done.......all good stuff, so no worries. Got some good riding in with my son-in-law when we first got down and then we came over to St. Augustine on the 9th. It's kinda' cold here now..........but I got some riding in before the temps dropped. Warmer temps due to arrive soon...................BUT NO SNOW!! WHOOO, HOOOO!!! JIM
Oh, yes..............the first time we drove to Florida, we took the "inland" route, which took us through some of those areas, and a small freak blizzard hit us. We were used to driving in snow, but it was a "3 ring circus" on the roads. Cars were off the road almost everywhere, state troopers in light shirts trying to help folks,m and one car, that I remember well, about 30 or 4o feet out in a field with the driver and his girlfriend/wife walking around it scratching his head. Last year we drove though the Carolinas after the ice storm..............that's a story for another time! They really don't have the equipment for that kind of weather. I heard on the news that the Darlington Motor Speedway let one of the major airports use it's track drying trucks to clear the area so that the NASCAR teams could get to Daytona so that they could prepare for the Daytona 500. Jim
Up here in snow country we know how to cope with bad roads and it amazes me how those in warmer places drive like crazy when it's cold and icy causing all kinds of mayhem.
Some of the news footage of spinning and crashing is just insane.

I hadn't heard that about NASCAR, but I'll be watching the 500 on Sunday.
We keep hearing those from New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and a couple other north/northeast states saying we can't drive in winter weather. I always respond with . . . What about all those YouTube videos of them trying to drive under the same conditions. They get it every year and we get it once in decade.

I've got news for them, they can't drive on ice either.
Ahh, I do agree with you Hemi..................but those videos will always show, basically, the "dufusses" who do the big "stupids"; after all, what's the fun in a video showing people driving normally?? That said, I always ride (and drive) as though I'm invisible............even walk that way at times!! Just having some fun with all of this, naturally............we have our own set of problems in the Northeast, no matter what the weather is!!

Jim (with the strong survival instincts)
........and, in the "familiarity breeds contempt" category, the silly stuff usually, but not always, comes early in the season; the "I know how to handle this stuff" syndrome. Can tell some odd tales from my auto repair days about those folks!! Oh, well, just "grin and bear it" I guess. Jim
The yard of a couple of my friends that live just to the southwest of Fort Worth.

Texas Ice.jpg

That ain't snow . . . Texas on the rocks? I'd rather have mine served neat.

And to explain Texas weather . . .

Texas Weather.jpg
Seen they got about 7 cms(3 inches) of snow in Las Vegas. That must have surprised a few peeps. Can't wait for the U tube vids to hit the internet for some entertainment. :LOL:
Boy that's a bit chilly, went to Norway for Christmas a few years ago - 25 over night. We were inside behind triple glazing and being kept warm by a fantastic log burner, I loved it, but I dare say after months of it, the novelty would soon begin to wear off.
Here you go Rocky, a nice cup of warm chocolate to keep you warm.
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Thanks, I needed that TUP
It was very tasty and hit the spot BGRIN

These yo-yo temps are what drives you crazy. Rain, melting and then freezing time after time is only making the ice thicker on the streets and sidewalks.
Yesterday, was quite mild at -2C so I walked over to the home and auto store to pick up a couple of things.
I have tungsten cleats that I can strap onto my boots, but didn't use them.
That was a mistake! I had to tip toe all the way over and back.
A ten minute walk on a bare sidewalk took me 20-25 minutes placing one foot at a time there and back.
It's so cold that road salt doesn't do much to break it up.
Oh well, I got outside and got some fresh air.
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Be careful on the ice Rocky. Don't want to fall and mess up your ankle again. Riding season is coming up soon enough.
On a different note, These up and down temps do mess with ya. If it stays cold, it usually doesn't snow, but if it warms up around here, that's when we get snow. I wish it would stay cold until BAM the temps go above zero and stay there. That way we would get rain and the snow would melt faster :)
Oh and -23C here this morning.

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