Another Nor'easter

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Maybe I should have taken some pix for you guys to show how bad it was in NB. Heavy blowing snow(70-80 kph) wind gusts and 32 cms of the white goo made for lots of drifting and zero visibility at times. I had to use my snow blower several times to clear the driveway, especially after the plow goes by :mad:. Another 25-35 cms again tomorrow :ice:. Crap!
Qship and his neighbours just to the north of me really get hammered with winter storms.
Here on the Atlantic coast we often get the benefit of warm southern air pulled in by the storm and get rain instead of snow - but not always BGRIN
It looks like another one is coming our way Monday night with a lot of snow.
What will happen here on the coast remains to be seen.
If push comes to shove Betsy the Snowblower is ready for it BGRIN
When I got up this morning it was -15C (5F) and it's still -11C (12F) at 2:30 PM :ice:
The snow has just started and is expected to snow heavily giving us 30 cm (12") - give or take.
The temp is expected to rise during the night and the snow will turn to rain with temps well above freezing on Tuesday and then plunging back down to well below freezing.
It's this crazy type of weather that drives you crazy.
I'll need to clear as much snow as I can before it turns to rain and freezes.
The next 24 hours should be interesting :ohwell:
I'm sitting here in somewhere around 9-12 inches and it's picking up in intensity...........still packing a few last things in the car, in hopes of "escaping" tomorrow morning. I tried to talk "SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED" into leaving yesterday, but I'd have had better luck moving the Rock of Gibraltar with a TEASPOON!!!! Hopefully, it'll be ending early tonight. I sure do hope that all of these people who say: "Oh, I just LOVE snow" are finally happy. Jim
When I left the house for work yesterday evening the temp was 74 DegF. When I left work this morning the temp was 34 DegF with a windchill of 26. Headed to work tonight it was 41 @ 1630. Here it is 2003 and the temp is dropping again, currently 37 DegF.

So I guess that could be some indication what's going to hit Rocky and Jim. Our normal or average temp at this time should be lows of around 50 and highs from upper 60's to lower 70's. Winter sucks!!!
We didn't get quite as much snow as expected, but I still had to take Betsy out to clear it.
I went out last evening around 8:00 pm and the snow was on the verge of becoming freezing rain so I had to move it while I could in case it became an iceberg.
The snow was light and fluffy so it was easy to move.
I don't think it turned to rain overnight as expected either as it's still -10C (14F) this morning.
I'll need to go out later to remove the pile the city just shoved into my driveway :y20:
I'll also need to tidy up my driveway to the garage and the sidewalk too.
The city now clears the sidewalks with a Bobcat, but the property owner is responsible for keeping it that way.

I'm ready for summer too BGRIN
Boy, was I ever wrong!!!
I did rain while I was asleep and then the temp plunged to -10C (14F) and froze everything.
I just spent the past two hours chopping myself free from the frozen snow.
A snowblower is only effective in soft snow. Icy chunks would break the machine so it was all ice chopper and shovel work.
But I took it easy and didn't kill myself - and now it's done - until the next time which is in a couple of days I hear :y20:

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