Another Nor'easter

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Yikes, -23 is brutally cold!!!
It's -12C here now and I was just outside on my south facing deck and it's actually very warm out there in the sun.
Our local weather man (person) says that March may be coming in like a cool lamb.
Maybe there's hope after all BGRIN
But I'll wait until I see it!!!!
I stepped outside this morning into the bitter cold and could have swore there was a polar bear across the road. I was beginning to think the cold air had done gone and froze my brain but then the polar bear turned around toward me and it was my neighbor wearing a big fluffy white bath robe, out to pick up his paper.
If the online weather folks are right, and I sure hope that they are, it looks like my area of the Northeast is going to finally see the temps begin to moderate a little over the next week or so; they'll be moving into the 30's F................a virtual "heat wave" after what they've been experiencing! Jim

It's an insane 7C (45F) and pouring rain today. Yesterday, it was brutally cold!!
I suppose I shouldn't complain because it could be snow, but the rain has nowhere to go and there is water everywhere.
Back to freezing tonight, and colder than usual, so it will be a mess once again in the next few days.
Glad we ONLY got about 20 cms(8 inches) here. It was nice and light a cleaned up easily with the new Honda snow thrower. Much came down in a short period. Heard they had a real bad pile up on the I-95 Northbound near Bangor, Maine due to the heavy snow.
It was made official today, February 2015 was the coldest on record in Canada.
It wasn't that brutally cold where I am, but we certainly had some very cold days and nights.
It was -13C (8F) this morning which is about 10 degrees colder than normal for the end of February.
At the rate it's going our snow bank icebergs will be here in June GLOOM
Yup, it's been cold all right. Rideau Canal in Ottawa set a record last week for being open for skating the longest period, and no end in sight in the near future. The Great Lakes have more ice surface coverage than they've had in a looooong time. It was this cold of colder in New Brunswick last year, but it didn't have this effect on the rest of the country and farther South like it did this year.
We got another 10-12 cm (4-5") of snow last night and it just keeps piling up one after another.
But the temps came way up into the 3C (37F) range by noon, turned to rain and then cleared.
It's now mainly sunny and well above freezing - but only until tonight.
Some minor melting going on, but every little bit helps I suppose.
This past month has been brutal!
Darn, Rocky.
You guys got more snow than us this time. We were supposed to get 10-15 cms, but only ended up with about 8 cms total. Yes it's above 0 C here for the first time in.............I can't remember, and most of it has meltedCOOL

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