Another Nor'easter

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There's is a lot of truth in that song.
This has been an unbelievable year for ice and snow.
I've been through many harsh winters with a lot of snow, but I can't remember a winter when the snow turned to ice due to so many thaw/freeze cycles laced with rain.
We're hoping that spring doesn't come too suddenly (even though we want it to) because there will be a lot of flooding if all that ice and snow melts too fast.
No risk of flooding where I am, but many rural and low lying areas easily flood in the spring from a normal winter.
It's -11C(12F) so I won't have to worry about that today BGRIN
We are being hammered by that nor'easter which started overnight and is moving very slowly which means it will be over us for 24+ hours and will leave 30cm+ (12"+) of blowing snow.
Some areas may get more.
The wind is high which means lots of drifting so the snow will be very deep in places.
Nothing much to do except wait it out and hope this is the last one this winter.
The snow seems to have stopped. It's blowing so hard it's difficult to tell, but I think it has stopped.
I just came in from over two hours of removing snow with the blower and tidying up the leftover mess.
I don't know what the "official" snowfall is, but the drifts were well above my knees in some places.
At least it was light snow and the blower had no problem tossing it away.
After the city finishes clearing the streets I'll have to go out again.
Oh man, I hope this is the last gasp of winter FACE
Rocky, sounds like a bunch of BS, i don't think i could stand any of the snow problems yall have. I think i will stay down south, the sun finally came out, it actually was hot here today, went for a spin on my m/c, and the grass is trying to come out. Winter sucks!!!!!
Yup, snow stopped here about 11Pm or so. Still possible 5 cms overnight and into tomorrow morning. Bad drifting due to the high winds. Got at least 20-25 cms.
Pushed snow at work for 12 hours and came home to a filled in driveway. Another 2 hours of snow blowing. YUCK!
Winter can PI$$ of any time now.
I woke up this morning to a filled in driveway too so I still have a chore ahead of me.
I hope the snow is still soft so I can use the blower.
I usually have a bike on the road by mid to late April, but I think it will be well into May this year.
Underneath all that snow is solid ice which will be slow to melt.
This coming weekend there is the annual spring motorsports show and our vintage bike club always has a display.
We had every intention of having a display again this year, but the storm on the weekend put an end to that.
Everyone is so snowed in it's impossible to roll any bikes out so we cancelled out entry.
As each storm piled up more and more snow, our chances of being in the show became less and less positive.
I have so much snow around my property that it will probably be May before I can roll anything out.
This is a shot from last year.

Here we go again!
Another snow storm is upon us and expected to bring another 30cm (12") of snow.
It was already snowing heavily when I got up this morning. We've already had 60cm (24") of snow this week.
This is getting to the critical stage as snow is already piled very high and space to put more snow barely exists.
The side and residential streets are down to 1 1/2 lanes and meeting cars must pull aside to let one or the other pass.
In years gone by we could expect at least one big storm, but this winter it has been storm after storm and it just keeps piling up.
It's hard to believe this is still happening this far into March.

Postponing the motorsports show isn't an option due to booking reservations for other events at the Exhibition Center.
This is a big event and I'm sure all or most of the commercial exhibitors will make it OK.
Sorry to here about your bad winter rocky ! We have had a good one this year in somuch as no snow and very little frost , ...but the wind and gales have hammered us this year and I recon we have only had about one or two days a week without 50 mph to 100mph winds for 3 months .
Last month all the ridge were blown of my roof and I have two trees down in the garden and over 1000 tons of timber down on the estate , we have had constant power cuts through most of the winter my portable generators have been working over time .
But the weather is on the change and spring is in the air the wind has died to a gentle breeze and its a lovely 9c and the sun is shining and the birds are singing , it's been a long winter this year and I'm hoping for an early Spring .
Wow, even with no snow you're had it pretty bad yourself!
Spring can't come soon enough for us, but with all this snow down we hope it doesn't come suddenly and create flooding.
Every spring there is always a certain amount of flooding from melting snow anyway, but it would be much worse this year if there is a sudden thaw and it stays warm.
The only saving grace with this current storm is that it's -6C (21F) so the snow is light and fluffy and will be easy to move with my snow blower.
The storm won't be over until much later and by then I'll have a real chore on my hands - blower or no blower FACE
We had that type of winter in 2009 - 2010 when it snowed for 3months none stop ! But weve had nothing like that since thank god .
As you say the flooding is the problem as we had the worst floods for 40 years that spring , but I hope you get a nice gentle thaw but it would need to start in the next 2 weeks or so or other wise you wil get to close to spring warmth .
At this time of year it would be mostly rain instead of snow because the temps would be much warmer.
They are well below normal for this time of year because the jet stream has stayed fixed in place for weeks and is allowing all that cold Arctic air to flow down.
There's nothing we can do about it except complain BGRIN

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