Another Nor'easter

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Now I really have something to complain about!!
I went out with the blower and began to tackle the hip-high drifts and was doing quite well until I began to hear grinding and crunching sounds from the blower.
The auger is driven by a differential and I think the gears are stripped as it is seized solid.
Just what I needed in the middle of what has turned out to be the worst storm yet.
I spent three hours shovelling and will finish tomorrow.
This is not a fitting scenario for a man of my advanced years BGRIN
I'll have the blower looked at and then decide if it's worth the money to fix - and/or if parts are still available.
The blower is nearly 30 years old, but is (was) in great condition so there was no reason to upgrade until now.
I'm not going to kill myself shovelling so it may take a couple of days to clear all the snow.
This was a very serious storm and wore than forecasted.
But it's still cold and the snow is fluffy so at least it's not heavy - yet.
The forecast for Friday is 2C (36F). Great snow shovelling weather BGRIN
Oh come on, it's just snow. Don't be a sissy. Enjoy it like I am FACE :y40: :furious::sick:

I just came in from shovelling for about 2 1/2 hours. I took it easy and didn't kill myself over it.
The driveway is all done, but it was quite a slog. The city still hasn't done the sidewalks so I can't get out to the street on foot or even by car. My driveway to the street has a wall of snow from the plow last night and that will be a chore to clear.
All in good time. I don't have anywhere to go.
Sorry your blower packed it in, Rocky. Bad timing for sure. Saw all the snow you guys got down there. Definitely worse than us this time. My In laws live in the Annapolis Valley and the drifts and snow they got are unreal. Time to go buy that new Honda snow thrower you were thinking about. If you can find one anywhere North of the 49th parallel.
If it's just the ring and pinion gear box, may be a relatively cheap fix($1-200) if you're inclined to do the work yourself. I had to change the ring gear on an older Craftsman(Sears) blower I had and the gear itself was $130 as it was solid brass and the lubriplate that went in it was another $30 if I recall. The gear itself was just worn down to nothing as brass is a soft metal and the pinion gear was steel. Sounds like it was designed to wear on purpose so they would get more $ on maintenance. Getting a blower fixed this time of year will be hard as I'm sure local shops are backed up.
I think you're right about the gearbox damage from the way it acted.
All the shops are well behind with work so I'm done for this year, and this late in the season, until things settle down.
The machine is in such good condition otherwise that it would be shame to toss it.
I don't mind spending a couple of hundred dollars if that's all it takes. I haven't spent a penny on it in all the years I've owned it.
I finally cleared my entire driveway and out to the street. The city came by last night but only pushed a little bit of snow back into the driveway.
For the past two winters the city has employed contractors to clear the sidewalks, but no sign of them yet. I think the job may be too overwhelming for them.
I'll have to make an effort to move some of the snow today. Relatives have offered to help later today.
Another storm coming on Saturday, but might be more rain than snow. What a mess that will create!
2-3 winter storms is average for us, but this year we've had eight - and it may not be over yet!!!
On a happier note, are you going to the bike show this week end even though your club won't be represented? Nice to get out and see some shiny new bikes and bike related stuff to take your mind off all this snow.
Tearing down that blower may be a challenge. Maybe it's something simpler like a bad drive belt. have you had a chance to look at it?
Haven't bothered to look at the blower. Too exhausted from shovelling.
I'm 50/50 about bothering to go to the show. I may go if some of the guys go.
I may just have Sears pick up the blower and let them deal with it later on when they're not so busy.

For all those in the warmer climates, this is a shot of my driveway from the street.
Are we having fun or what!!

Very limited space to pile/blow snow. Looks like an older part of Halifax where houses are fairly close together. I have lots of space to blow my driveway as I live in a rural area a few minutes from town.
I'm in the old south end close to Dalhousie and the houses are close together that's for sure.
No place to put the snow so it's a lot of throwing to make those piles. That's the hardest part, the throwing.
But it's done now.......until the next time :y40:
Boy oh Boy, that's what you call snow. Hats off to you Rocky for clearing that lot.
It was a lot of hard work to clear that much snow with a shovel.
I was making a cut up the driveway to the street and only got part way when the blower stripped its gears and quit.
The rest was all done by shovel.
Some of those mounds are 10 feet high (3 meters). That's a lot of snow tossing.
Rocky, how did you guys make out WRT the weather yesterday and last night? We only got a dusting(2-4 cms), but the winds are gusting here from 30-60 km/h, causing a lot of blowing snow and cold wind chill as the temps here are only going to -6C today.
Rocky, how did you guys make out WRT the weather yesterday and last night? We only got a dusting(2-4 cms), but the winds are gusting here from 30-60 km/h, causing a lot of blowing snow and cold wind chill as the temps here are only going to -6C today.
We got a bit of rain, but mostly a light dusting of snow with gusting winds.
It's above freezing and melting is going on right now, but the temp is going to drop like a tone in a couple of hours.
So much for spring.

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