Another Nor'easter

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We got hammered pretty good again last night FACE
I don't know the official snow depth, but it was drifted well above my knees in many places.
I just spent the last 2 1/2 hours shovelling that lovely stuff - but at least it's light and fluffy.
This winter has been a rough one.
Sorry to hear that Rocky. Seen pics of FB and the Weather Network.
May have contributed to the plane crash at Halifax Airport too. Thank God only minor injuries. they were very lucky.
We did not get anything up this way. That's a switch for sure.
Sorry to hear that Rocky. Seen pics of FB and the Weather Network.
May have contributed to the plane crash at Halifax Airport too. Thank God only minor injuries. they were very lucky.
We did not get anything up this way. That's a switch for sure.
Yes, for a change you folks up there were spared the misery BGRIN
After what you've been through this winter you deserve a break.

That Air Canada passenger plane slammed down on its belly, but all 133 on board walked away.
Bumps and bruises, but no fire. Probably all that fresh snow prevented a fire, but who knows.
It was a miracle that it wasn't worse. The plane is toast, but no lives were lost.
Came to visit the In laws for Easter and can't believe all the snow here in Nova Scotia. The drifting down in the Annapolis Valley was very bad and it's still very narrow in some places where road crews had to push through the drifts and push them back. Hey Rocky, Hopefully we don't get any more of the white toxic poison they're calling for in the next 24-48 hrs. Going to take some friends to Bro's Cycle in Windsor, N.S. tomorrow around 11 A.M. and show them some new Triumphs and see what they have. Friend's wife getting her bike license soon and may like the Bonneville line up.
Wild isn't it! This is what we've been complaining about all winter.
We're hoping that whatever is coming in the next day or so is not too bad. We're really sick of this - and this is April for the love of Mike!!!!
It's a bit worse up in the Valley areas, but we've still got mountains too and some side streets are still single track.
Bro's is where I bought my Bonneville. Debbie and Bruce are good folks and they usually have a good cross section of bikes on the second floor.
Enjoy your visit.
Sounds like we may dodge this one. Looks like maybe 2-4 cms of snow and then clearing up. Will be cool for this time of year, but should melt off by the afternoon once the sun comes out.
Took my friends to Bro's in Windsor and they did have a nice selection of Triumphs. Quite a few sold already too. They liked the America LT(His wife) and Thunderbird(My friend who already has his bike license).
They had a locking gas cap for my T'bird so I picked that up while I was there. Paid less than the Triumph website lists it for too :)
It's evening now and all we got was rain most of the day so a little melting was going on.
The tops of my property fences are just starting to appear FACE
Glad you had a nice visit at Bro's.
When I'm up that way I always drop in to look around and chat.
Of course, I want one of every model - even the Royal Enfield's BGRIN
I have a locking gas cap too so now we have that in common BGRIN
But I only use it if I'm away overnight or if I know the bike will be out of my sight for a long period (parking lot, etc.).
[QUOTE="Rocky, post: 227459, member:
Of course, I want one of every model - even the Royal Enfield's BGRIN
I have a locking gas cap too so now we have that in common BGRIN
But I only use it if I'm away overnight or if I know the bike will be out of my sight for a long period (parking lot, etc.).[/QUOTE]

You sure we're not related?WINK
Can I get an Amen?

Snow to the north, snow to the west and this is what we have along the Gulf Coast.
My truck, Kim's truck, Kyle's truck, the sidewalk, driveway, roof, etc. is covered in tree sex and has been for the last month. It does no good to wash any of them because they will be recovered and the base layer will be set and dried in the water used to clean the dern things. Lord help you if you should step outside and a gust of wind comes up, you too will be covered. If you look out the window you will see greenish/yellow walls moving across the landscape. We will probably have another two to four weeks of the wild tree sex parties. I hated riding with my son-in-law down here in FL when "love was in the air". That pollen would find its way into my eyes, even with goggles on. Contact lenses didn't help the situation either. This year, I rode with my full coverage Nolan and it was much more pleasant. Snow, pollen, just never ends, does it?? Jim
Yup, Snow to the North. Came down to Rocky's neck of the woods and it SNOWED! AGAIN! 3"-4" or around 8 cms. Came down in a short period of time and now it's sunny out as the snow tapers off. Gotta drive home tomorrow and hopefully nothing much there that needs to be taken care of.
Sorry you guys are covered in tree sex down South. Every place has it's downfalls. I could live with a little tree sex instead of frozen rain right now.

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