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We have a huge problem our side with these telemarketers calling us on our mobile devices. We don't have that opt out type system other countries have either. So I had really just had enough of it and found this app for my phone who's called. This blocks numbers on their database that have been reported for being junk calls. It also can block all calls that come up as Private Number. I have them both active now.

I have also added a voice mail message that goes like this "Hello, if you calling from a private number I will respect your privicy and not take your call. However if you leave a message I might come back to you. Thank you, goodbye"

Ah eventually peace my phone is now my own again BGRIN
I'm registered on a "do not call" list, but some are allowed.
If my land line caller ID doesn't show a person or a number that I recognize, I just let it ring and they get my "leave a message" message. Most have a foreign area code so I know right away it's some :shit: head scammer
I'm always so disappointed when they don't leave a message BGRIN

Once in a great while I'll get such a call on my iPhone, but I just let it ring and they give up. It's not really a bother.
Once in a while I'll get one of those long distance calls at 7:00AM. I'm up anyway, but I guess they don't know anything about time zones BGRIN
Yes, we've been getting an abnormal amount of spam calls lately, as well.
Wanting to know our water quality, do we recycle, blah, blah, blah.
Trying to figure out their angle and what they're trying to get at.
Of course, I don't give them any info, but would be nice to know what these SOBs are up to.
Around here these as*ji holes have figured a way that the local area code comes up on the caller ID, you think its local and in my case a customer, and answer just to find out it's a telemarketer, i am just about to give up my phone! Everybody i talk to is at wits end but no one can do anything.
I'm pissed off. I had a telemarketer hang up on me. The idiots used their real number on caller ID so I called them back and got the same #&+_@&+?" that had just hung up on me. And would you believe it, he had the nerve to hang up on me again. So I called back again and got a different person and they hung up on me too. Now I'm getting really pissed and call back again and got a woman this time, she had the nerve to hang up on me too. So I called back again and they wouldn't answer the phone. Four more calls and they still wouldn't answer my call. I feel like filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau for the way they treated me.

I think Tom did it better. . .
I wa sgetting around 4 to 5 a day eventually all trying to sell me something. What I started doing is just putting the phone down on the desk and let them chat away to nothing. It just got so ba dthat I even considered just giving up my phone until I found this apps now as I said I have my phone back.
Rain, rain go away!
We've gotten a pile of rain lately and makes it real hard to get anything accomplished outside.
Got to winterize the bike and lawnmowers, get the snowblower checked out, etc.
My lawn is a pond in places. Good thing I already got all the leaves cleaned up.
My rant for the day.
Goes from pouring rain to high winds(in excess of 90Kph). Now the trees and ground are saturated, so the winds cause limbs and trees to fall resulting in widespread power outages. Can't seem to win, weatherwise this past week.
Our power flickered and went out briefly, but there are many areas all around me with no power for the past 12-18 hours.
Well we have had no water for the last 2 days. They say it will only be restored by the weekend.

I am so glad I had a rain water tank installed years back when I noticed that this was becoming a regular situation.
Yup, rained here all day again. More coming tonight(lots). Our nearby river(Saint John) is alread close to flood stage. This may put it over. That would be twice this year. (n):(
I am not affected by this, but many locals are. Hope it drops soon for their sake.
Well our national power company (Eskom) is now in a state of collapse. We have been having load shedding daily for the last week and there is no news as to when we could expect this to stop.

Driving around town is a nightmare as the traffic lights are mostly out due to no power. So you would think people would know that these then become 4 way stops. However it seems that this concept is also lost on most people.

I have had the PC disconnected as we also getting power spikes as they switch off or switch on the power in different areas.
That's a shame to hear. We're so spoiled over here. Except for storms that disrupt power from time to time, out utilities are first rate.
We have the same problem with "jumpers" at 4-way stop signs or traffic lights that are out. Some people can't wait their turn or some are often timid to venture forth.

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