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Good going mate you really picked up a great collection there TUP

Darn I should have asked first could have picked up a great starter kit for a spoon collection BGRIN

Me thinks we going to have a very happy camper on her birthday
Darn I should have asked first could have picked up a great starter kit for a spoon collection BGRIN

Don't worry about it, I have a plan ...
shhhh don't tell any one but I'm going to start a gold Krugerrand collection and will be asking for help from members.
I'm offering to pay all postage. :y2:
Now that is a great idea just let me know how many you need BGRIN

Thanks mate, just send all that you can get your hands on, I'll cross check with the ones in hand then return the duplicates.

Forgot to mention it isn't for me but for Sharron's birthday, not to June so by then I expect heaps of them for her.
You guys are a riot. Sorry I pooped out last evening

Kevin that is freakin amazing. Now I will have to get her another one of those wall hanging spoon hoarder :y10:...eh I mean collector things as the current one just will not do at all for such a fine collection. Pics are awesome. Looks like you truly struck the MOTHER LOAD......or was that MOTHER IN LAW LOAD???? Sorry that was as bad as Daves "spooning it out" comment....Yes Dave we certainly will have a happy camper on our hands come her birthday. Happy indeed.

Great going ! :y45:
Kevin, that is one fine collection! TUP TUP

Adrian, these collections have a way of growing. At this rate you will need a whole wall to devote to Shannon's collection. BGRIN
Carl I am thinking of starting an alligator collection, we can trade I will send you a few crocs for a few gators , after all we now have a few to spare running free in our river system BGRIN
Kevin that is freakin amazing. Now I will have to get her another one of those wall hanging spoon hoarder :y10:...eh I mean collector things as the current one just will not do at all for such a fine collection.:

Adrian you're welcome no big deal, except for the first two they were easy to get hold of and free.
I suggest you hold off on a new wall holder until you actually get hold of and polish the spoons. You never know you may want to cull the delivery and bin some if they don't come up like new.
It's only 8.00 am Friday for us, so I have plenty of time to get them off via Australia Post before the day is done.
Well how ungrateful am I!?!?!?!
***update*** The spoons where a HUGE hit!!!!:y2: She was so surprised and spent hours polishing and arranging and deciding how to arrange and what to do with them. As we don't do anything real quick round these parts......the display rack is one of her Christmas presents and I will get a pic of them once all complete and displayed.

Thank you all so very much for your help on this. You guys actually made her cry!!!!ANGER BUT in a very GOOD way:y2: Thank you all for making me look like an awesome hubby (a monumental task I tell ya) and for giving my wife one of the best, world over spoon collections around. :clap:

Many have said it, and I will say it again this is an AMAZING forum full of even more amazing folks!

Again sorry for the delay in response.....I have no excuse other than all the hugs and kisses for the spoons distracting me......decorative spoons, helping old guys score! lol now THATS an ad campaign!

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