alright, got the front faring stay up, but here is the kicker, I can't get my headlights to work at all now. Due to how the wiring is all wrapped around the stay, I had to unhook everything to get the new one on, and when I reconnected everything, I cant get the headlights working. Unfortunately the manual does not help much, and i've not found much online to help me out.
It seems the trophy uses 3 different relays, a 3 prong for the blinkers, and then there are 4 and 5 pin relays, and i'm not sure which ones to use for the headlights.
I've tried swapping them all around to see if I can get lucky and find a combo that works, but so far no luck.
Also, someone stole one of my Staintunes exhaust cans out of the back of my truck, but oddly left my front wheel stand and other things, so its probably JB welded to the back of some punks honda civic right now.