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Hi everyone, Long time no post, nothing really new here

So i'm looking at painting the side panel myself vs getting a shop to do it, and if it can be done under $100 i'll get a shop to do it ( already did the body work, fiberglass, filler, sanding etc )

Also, I noticed my front brakes were a little soft, so I did a quick bleed and refill of fluid and I noticed i spilled some on the black plastic shroud between the farring and the gas tank ( where the two storage cups are ) and I wiped it off with a dirty towel, but i missed some and now I have some bleached areas where the fluid ate through some of the plastic. Is there a way to at least bring the color back? if not, I was just thinking i'll rattle can paint them a dark grey/black when I decide to repaint the side panel. I figure a few coats and it should be good. I've had pretty good results with painting plastic in the past. But just thought I would ask some of you OG's for some pointers first.
Well....did the brake bleeding improve your spongy lever?

It's always advisable to put something under your master cylinder....but I guess you figured that out :)

I think painting is the only route you have outside of replacing the panel. :mad:

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Krylon (I think) markets a special rattle can paint for plastics.....Home Depot item...... marketed for painting like lawn furniture etc. I used it on my top box, painted an ugly orange strip gloss black, 4 years ago and it still looks glossy and new. Just FYI. :y2:
I have restored sunbleached black plastic with some success using a hot air gun.(paint stripper)
just be carefull,you need to get the surface of the plastic nearly molten, but dont linger to long or the shape could distort.
Yeah, I'll just paint it, I knew previously brake fluid eats through paint and plastic. I guess trying to clean it off with an oil soaked rag didnt help much.

I'll probably just paint, krylon is good stuff, I used to paint my race bikes with it and if you take your time they can come out pretty nice.

Also, I think I've blown one of the rear light bulbs, the running light works fine, but when you press the brake, only the running light lights up brighter and the other bulb does nothing. ( i suppose an easy way to check if its the bulb is check the connection with a voltmeter )

And yes, re-bleeding the brakes did help, I probably just got some air caught in a line when I laid it down awhile back.
The brake bulbs are standard 1157 dual element bulbs with a running element and a brake element. The brake element simply burned out on one of the two bulbs.

Advice.....don't tighten the screws too snug when putting the lens back on. It'll crack the plastic lens easily.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

While you were away we had a new member join with a Trophy. He put a wind deflector on his screen you may be interested in.

Check around the forum for his posts with pics. I thought you'd be interested.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Well damn, So the bike was working fine the other day, and I had washed the bike, and the blinkers were not working, which normally happens for whatever reason after I wash the bike, and a day later, they dry out and work fine. But now, I don't know whats going on. The rear brake light bulb does not work, day head lights don't work ( brights work ) blinkers will only flash once. So I'm thinking I have a bad ground or a blown fuse. Where would be the main ground on these bikes?

Still starts fine, so it shouldn't be a battery problem.

I'll just grab new fuses on the way home and swap them all out.
alright, so i have the blinkers working properly ( the fuse was badly coroded ) and the rear brake light bulb was burnt out, but I still cant figure out why my high beams work, but the regular lights don't? ( but the little light in the middle still works )
I think I found the problem, the connections in the fuse box themselves are a bit worn, I have a very thin bush that I used to scrub all around inside the box, and everything works as it should now.
nope, jinxed it. So I replaced the bulb, and it the left bulb works as it should, dim, then bright when you hit the brake, the right bulb, just stays bright all the time.

And the headlights quit working again. Brights work, regulars no.

I guess the next step for the headlights would be to check the bar switch, I've no idea what to do about the brake light. I don't know whats safer to do, run with just 1 bulb, or both, but I ride mostly during the day, so I want people to be sure and see me when i'm slowing down.
You may have the wrong bulb installed in the brake light socket or have it installed backwards. Try switching the good bulb into the bad bulb socket.

The headlamp problem could still be corrosion in the fuse block, water in the switch housing (rock the hi-lo rocker), the ignition switch (turn it on & off repeatedly), or corrosion where the light relays connect (under the nose fairing). Also just check if the problem is the same using the brake pedal and the front brake could have dampness in the brake light switch. You can hear the front brake switch click if you listen closely.

I don't wash my bike so it's not prone to such troubles.

PS: the little light in the center of your headlamps is uniquely a British's called a "Pub Lamp" If you turn your key all the way left, you can turn that and your tail lamp on and remove the key!

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
swapped the brake bulbs, same result.

Checked the headlight bulbs, both fine.

both brake levers have the same result. So tomorrow when I have some light i'll crack off the switch body and check it. But its been a week since I washed it, so all the water should be out of it by now.
Try rocking the hi-lo light switch back and forth rapidly a may work out the corrosion without opening the switchhousing. Or it could be the relay?

I don't understand the brake light problem when one bulb works OK. You could fiddle with the wires under your seat where the brake light wires disconnect???

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

Brake lights - I played around with all the combinations of wires, and the best I can get is both are dim, and when you apply the brake, only one gets brighter.

Headlights - I'm thinking the relay is bad. I completely disassembled the handlebar switch, cleaned it out, and no luck, and its making a connection according to my volt meter. So i'll see if I can find the headlight relay and take it to an auto parts store to see if I can find one that matches.
You may just find that the headlight relay has corrosion at the contact points!!

So your brake light does exactly the same thing regardless of the foot pedal or the hand lever...right? At least that rules out a problem with the two switches themselves. Or, since they are wired in the same circuit, you may want to try pulling the connectors off of the foot pedal switch and seeing is they (or one) got corroded. They are underneath the shiny black rubber cover above and behind the foot pedal along the frame. You could also "jump" the wires there and see if everything works correctly when you do that. If that's the case (which I highly doubt because it would affect BOTH bulbs the same) then your brake switch has gone south. I have had to replace my foot pedal brake switch, but that was only because no mater how hard I pressed the pedal, the brake light wouldn't light-up.

It's weird because you say switching the bulbs in their sockets does the same thing and it's only one side??? It's almost as if the one socket itself is the problem. I think I'd be looking very closely at the actual socket....a wire broken behind it or corrosion at the bulb contacts. Of course, you'd want to disconnect the thing (have the key off) and perhaps even remove the entire assembly when you mess with that stuff so you don't cause a short.
well, I found out that there is a high beam and low beam relay, so I swapped them, and nothing changned, which tells me both relays are fine. I don't know where else to look.

( hi's work, lows don't )

It could be possible that I missed something in the switch, but I assembled it properly, cleaned the connections, and checked it with the volt, so I don't know what else to do?

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