Hi everyone, Long time no post, nothing really new here
So i'm looking at painting the side panel myself vs getting a shop to do it, and if it can be done under $100 i'll get a shop to do it ( already did the body work, fiberglass, filler, sanding etc )
Also, I noticed my front brakes were a little soft, so I did a quick bleed and refill of fluid and I noticed i spilled some on the black plastic shroud between the farring and the gas tank ( where the two storage cups are ) and I wiped it off with a dirty towel, but i missed some and now I have some bleached areas where the fluid ate through some of the plastic. Is there a way to at least bring the color back? if not, I was just thinking i'll rattle can paint them a dark grey/black when I decide to repaint the side panel. I figure a few coats and it should be good. I've had pretty good results with painting plastic in the past. But just thought I would ask some of you OG's for some pointers first.
So i'm looking at painting the side panel myself vs getting a shop to do it, and if it can be done under $100 i'll get a shop to do it ( already did the body work, fiberglass, filler, sanding etc )
Also, I noticed my front brakes were a little soft, so I did a quick bleed and refill of fluid and I noticed i spilled some on the black plastic shroud between the farring and the gas tank ( where the two storage cups are ) and I wiped it off with a dirty towel, but i missed some and now I have some bleached areas where the fluid ate through some of the plastic. Is there a way to at least bring the color back? if not, I was just thinking i'll rattle can paint them a dark grey/black when I decide to repaint the side panel. I figure a few coats and it should be good. I've had pretty good results with painting plastic in the past. But just thought I would ask some of you OG's for some pointers first.