New Trophy Owner

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well, I was going to go get a tire from the only place thats open on sundays, but they don't have anyone who can mount it.

So i decided to continue working on fixing the side panel

I've already fiberglassed the back of the main crack, and then I just finished using some body filler over the areas that got ground down a bit.

So once that dries, I'll sand all the body filler down, then get ready for primer and paint, which probably won't be till a cold or rainy week, and i'll transform a closet into a make-shift spray booth.
Bought a Michlien Road Pilot 3 for the rear, 190/50 is all they had in stock, I really wanted the 180/55 B version but that would have required me ordering them and waiting a few days, because the cyclegear I buy most of my things from only has a few people who can change tires.
so for the tire, mounting, and warranty, came to be just under $300

Its supposed to be a very good S-T tire, but the Pilot Pro's on the bike made it stick like glue and handle better.

The warranty I got on the tire will replace the tire if punctured within the first 25% of its tread life, and will give me a pro-rated discount on a new tire for any puncture afterwards up to 80% of the tire tread wear. After winter, I'll need to replace my front, its already showing signs of slowly squaring off. (after about 5k miles )
same here, the 8 hours to the coast and back has seriously only 6 turns in total, its all flat straight highway from there.
but the front tire is also a soft tire, and the nose dive problem probably does not help tire life, but I plan to get that fixed this afternoon.

I can deffinately tell a difference with the new "U" shaped tire vs the "V" the ride feels much more stiff and does not dive in as quick.

I did keep my old tire, as it has plenty of tread life left, and I'll re-patch it, and try to keep it around as a back up. I'll use one of those patch/plug combo to fix it up.
so, I basically found out a 190/50 tire handles horribly on the trophy, but since I have the insurnace, I may just "accidently" run over a nail so I can pay the difference and swap over to a 180/55 or a 170/55 ( the previous pilot pro's which I loved was a 180/55 )
yeah, I hate to abuse warranty and store policies, but basically, the tire is so horrible I don't feel comfortable on the bike. and i'm pretty sure its more the size and profile of the tire vs the harder compound or tread pattern. I thought it would settle in after a few miles, but even after nearly 100 miles, the thing still feels like like its going to loose the rear if I gun it during the middle of a turn.

Also, I think when I dropped the bike, i may have tweaked the forks or possibly slightly bent the nose farring stay. when the bike is going straight, the speedo and tach are about an inch to the left. Any ideas which it may be? ( when I layed it down, the nose didn't hit the ground, and not sure how the forks and wheel turned out ) it seems to ride fine, but its just very annoying to have it off center.
I would guess that it's the fairing frame that got jarred when the bike went down on it's side. The front wheel and forks would just move, but the fairing can't.

There actually was a recall on Trophy fairing frames at one time....somehow some were made from a jig that wasn't lined-up correctly and the fairings were off-center as a result.

I know that doesn't apply to your bike, but I just thought I'd mention it.
Yeah, I'll probably just see if I can manually bend it a little once I get decide to park it for winter and paint the side panel, I still need to do a little bit more sanding to get it completely smooth, but i'll probably just put it in a vice and see if I can bend it back into shape.
Arlight, another dumb question, since the rear tire I put on there is stiff as a brick and has terrible grip ( am seriously not confident in the tire to throw it into corners like I used to )
I'm thinking if I soften up the rear suspension that it may help out the ride a little, and I know how to adjust the shock, but not exactly sure which direction ( on its number scale ) I should set it to to soften it up.

My plan is since I have the warranty, to basically see if it gets popped if I can swap it out for a 180/55, and if I can't, I may just get some plug-patches and throw my Pilot Pro 180/55 back on, as its a great tire, and is starting to show some wear ( about 4k miles on it ) but its a great handling tire. ( although all the tiny shallow cuts in it worry me, i'm still not sure what the cause is for that )
Your year has the rear damper adjuster under the seat, mine doesn't. I can only adjust mine manually by turning the ring on the shock. So I don't really know which way to turn your adjuster. I would guess the higher number is harder and visa versa. But that's only a guess.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

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