New Trophy Owner

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Hey everyone, I just got a '01 Trophy 1200 off my uncle ( free bike! )

I've done a little road racing, but this is my first legal road bike, and i've never messed with a eruopean bike until now.

It has about 22,000 miles, and Honestly, the bike was dumped on me and I don't know much about it.

It seems to ride fine, but it does need a little bit of work.
- replace blinker pod
- needs rear brake pad replaced.
- will soon need a rear tire

The bike was basically a back up bike, and I know its probably not been taken care of very well, and i'm wanting to
get the bike all cleaned and fixed up to use as an every day commuter bike.

So i'm just asking you guys for the stuff I should look out for, upgrades i should consider, things i need to check over the bike and the general quirks of these bikes, good websites for parts, just some general info on the machine. and it would be really cool if there was a service manual that I can download for free somewhere.

the OEM blinker pods cost about $60 each, so i'm going to replace the front blinkers with some aftermarket universal flush mounts.

Thankful for all the help you guys can give me.
Howdy neighbor and welcome to TT from Southeast Texas.

I'll be passing thru Austin in a few days . . . if you can't figure out what to do with the Trophy I'll haul it off for you. :y2:

You should enjoy the Trophy, they are nice bikes and for the price, you got a good deal.
Bike Bandit will have a bunch of parts for the bike, not the cheapest around. I've never looked for Trophy parts so I can't be specific on parts for it. AJ should be along shortly, he should know a good bit of information to help you.
The bike is bulletproof!

You may be able to get a new turn signal on eBay cheap...they do break easily.

The biggest complaints of this bike are:
Uncomfortable saddle
Soft front suspension
Impossibly hard air filter servicing
Top heavy esp with a full tank

Be sure the fan comes on when it gets hot as there was a poor ground recall on that.

If you look here on TT for the TriumphTalk on the link and follow instructions to get inside. Once there, scroll down to the Trophy link on the left. You will find a wealth of info from owners there.

Oh....welcome to TriumphTalk from Pittsbugh! :)

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

Yup, got it for free! and its in really good shape for its age, I know its been dropped a few times, but no major cracks or scuffs in the plastics.

just put a new front tire, blinkers ( cheap universals, but they look good i think ) and all thats left to do is change the rear brake pad, and i'm hoping I can get one from the dealership on tuesday.

Some things i've noticed that I would like to do to the bike.
change all the gauge pods lights from bulbs to LED's, I can barely see the turn signal indicators during the day. and replace the main headlights with something a bit more brighter.
Also want to remove all the stock license plate bracket, and go for something a bit more slim. Also thinking about removing the rear luggage rack, to try to shave as much weight down on this thing that I can.

and i'm already thinking about running this bike naked... I think it would pull it off very well, as well as try to remove some weight from the bike,

I like the bike, but honestly I wouldnt buy one, I'm a small guy, and I would much prefer something a little smaller and slimmer.
I'm more of a sport bike style guy myself. Been thinking about if I can find a smaller windscreen that It would make it look a bit more sporty.

But the bike seems to pull well, and can easily pull triple digits.

But here are some pics, aside from the blinker and the front tire, this is how I picked it up ( also have the saddle bags )
Thanks, the tranny is a little wonky on the thing, sometimes on a downshift to first, it gets stuck in neutral, and you gotta mash on the shifter for a good few hard kicks until it will go into first.

and yeah, the seat is not that great. kinda dissapointing for a touring bike really.

But it rides 2up really well, I only notice the weight when hard braking.
Man that thing looks great!!!! Actually......uhm, no I was just being "nice" it looks like it needs some work, a lot of work, and a thorough test drive/ breaking in period.......I think it needs to be delivered to my garage here in ALabama and I can go through it for you stem to stern and give it a good 6 month shake down before you get on that obviously dangerous machine.......what......just sayin........I thought it was a generous offer........

All "hazing aside" (you'll learn I am a major smart ass) Its a damn fine machine congrats!
Yup, got it for free! and its in really good shape for its age, I know its been dropped a few times, but no major cracks or scuffs in the plastics.

Most everyone has dropped their Trophy due to the top heavyness of the bike. It's normally at a stand still.

Some things i've noticed that I would like to do to the bike.
change all the gauge pods lights from bulbs to LED's, I can barely see the turn signal indicators during the day. and replace the main headlights with something a bit more brighter.

Get PIAA replacement bulbs for the headlamps. You can also adjust the hieght of the headlamps aiming point by turning the knob inside the right-hand cubby box (I moved that to the dash so I could adjust it while riding).

Lots of Trophy owners have switched to the LED bulbs inside their indicator panel. Get white LEDs because the colors are not in the bulbs, but in the dash panel.

Also want to remove all the stock license plate bracket, and go for something a bit more slim.

That is part of the rear mudguard you do realize??? It also has little round "bumpers" for the panniers (saddlebags) which you cannot use if you remove that.

Also thinking about removing the rear luggage rack, to try to shave as much weight down on this thing that I can.

The original owner should have the two grab handles that go in the place of the luggage rack...they would be painted to match the bike and use the same bolts as the rack.

Been thinking about if I can find a smaller windscreen that It would make it look a bit more sporty.

Zero Gravity has all sizes of windscreens for the Trophy including a small sporty one. Or, if you never want to use the larger one, some owners have cut their own down.

But the bike seems to pull well, and can easily pull triple digits.

VERY easily!! It has the torque to pull two people up a hill in 6th gear from 20 MPH.
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Alright, Here come the noob questions.
( and thanks for all the help so far )

1. Where is the radiator coolant fill port? ( i notice the temp light coming on when i'm in stop/go downtown traffic and its already 100*F out, I would like to make sure its at least full, and possibly drain and re fill with some high quality coolant.
2. Should I change the tranny fluid? sometimes the bike seems to be stuck in neutral at a stop, and the only way I can get out of it is to let the cluch out, rev it up, then attempt to downshift.
3. I noticed on the left side of the bike, there appears to be an extra passenger footrest, but is upside down? what is this for? ( helping to pull the bike up on the center stand? )
4. I notice the engine brake seems to have excessive noise to it, when i'm on the gas, it sounds fine, but the motor gets a bit louder when letting the motor slow itself down. is this normal?
5. is there a helmet lock on the bike? if there is, its either well hidden or i'm just too stupid to find it.

Thanks for all the help so far guys.
Alright, Here come the noob questions.
( and thanks for all the help so far )

1. Where is the radiator coolant fill port? ( i notice the temp light coming on when i'm in stop/go downtown traffic and its already 100*F out, I would like to make sure its at least full, and possibly drain and re fill with some high quality coolant.

It's behind the fairing on the left-hand side of the bike. You can just see it if you look in the cooling vent on the left-hand side. It may be better and easier to add coolant to the overflow bottle underneath the seat. Fill that to the FULL mark (I use a flashlight to see the level).

2. Should I change the tranny fluid? sometimes the bike seems to be stuck in neutral at a stop, and the only way I can get out of it is to let the cluch out, rev it up, then attempt to downshift.

It's best to downshift as you approach the stop so you're in 1st when you stop. The engine oil and tranny oil are shared (synthetic bike oil ONLY) so as long as there's the correct amount of engine oil, you are fine.

I think the bike has sat so long that this problem may work itself out with more riding.

3. I noticed on the left side of the bike, there appears to be an extra passenger footrest, but is upside down? what is this for? ( helping to pull the bike up on the center stand? )

Yes, that's the handle to raise the bike onto it's centre stand.

4. I notice the engine brake seems to have excessive noise to it, when i'm on the gas, it sounds fine, but the motor gets a bit louder when letting the motor slow itself down. is this normal?

I'm not sure what you mean here and I'd have to hear the noise to be sure. That said, the 1200 4 cylinder motor does sound like a diesel motor (alittle clattery) when it's idling.

5. is there a helmet lock on the bike? if there is, its either well hidden or i'm just too stupid to find it.

Yes, there is one on each side of the bike......remove the seat and look for a metal hook facing downward on the top frame rail. You hook your helmet on one of those hooks and replace the seat. Depending on the year (I forget what year they stopped), on the underneath of your seat itself, there are bungee cord hooks that swing-out and lock in place too.

In the pics below, you'll see arrows pointing to the bungee hooks underneath the seat........these swing out to use them.


....and arrows pointing to the helmet hooks on the frame under the seat (I also put a big arrow pointing to the coolant overflow bottle where you want to add coolant):

NEver owned the Trophy (had a 98 sprint that is somewaht similar layout) but will try and help best I can.
First you certainly should order 1 of these
I do for all my bikes, well worth the $ ebay or amazon used ones can be had rather cheap.
Yes the upside down "footpeg" is for assisting you in pulling her up on the centerstand.
I "think" the bike has a "wet clutch" system so your oil should also be your tranny fluid, so to speak. Possibly changing the oil to newer, and a better oil for your bike may help. I use Shell Rottella T synthetic (cheap for a synthetic) and gives me great clutch "grab" etc. You have to be carefull to use a proper oil as regular car type oils can cause the clutch to slip and tranny to shift poorly. ALso have you tried simply rolling the bike fore or aft with the clutch in to find neutral? Again my TIger sometimes doesn't like neutral and I have to "shimy" a bit to hit it.
Coolant overflow/fill resevoir should be under the seat above the rear tire (if I remember right) TO open the radiator cap, however, you must remove the tank (common on Triumph Triples, my '05 Tiger is the same way) and 4's of that year/model. THe caps springs are known to "stick" and you may need to replace the cap. But certainly start with the overflow res. and verify you have enough coolant. If she has been sitting long you may want to drain and flush, then add fresh coolant. Again taking care to use the proper coolant for your bike. Coolant does go bad, and that could be an issue as well.
Would need more feedback on the engine braking noise........Triumps are rather noisy.....friends used to tease me for riding a diesel when I pulled up on my Speed 3. But what type of noise exactly? A rattling? or excessive popping on deceleration? Need more info on that......or a sound bite if you can?
Hope I have been helpful.
I also use the Rotella "T" fully-synthetic bike oil. If you change the oil, you should also replace the oil filter. You only have to remove the lowest portion of the fairing to access the oil drain and the oil's one big piece of plastic that forms a "V" underneath the bike.

An IMPORTANT word of caution on re-filling the oil sump......

NEVER overfill the crankcase with oil!!!! Your 1200/4 cyl engine will not even start ......or if it does, it'll run horribly!!! You will do extreme damage with too much oil.

Add the oil slowly and check the level often as you add oil. You may want to get it close to the FULL mark and then run it for a a minute, then shut it down and wait a few minutes before checking it again. Then add small amounts to bring it to the full mark. If you overfill it, then siphon some out.

I have learned to keep the oil level a tad below full for safety of the engine. With over 135,000 miles on my '96, it still uses no oil between changes at all.
PS: Have you heard the fan turn on and run??? In high temperatures at stop lights and slow riding in traffic, that fan should turn on and run even after you shut the bike down and remove the key. I even check mine occasionally by running the bike at idle in the garage until the fan comes on just to be sure it works.

If it doesn't......then you will overheat.

If the fan isn't turning on, it could be the fan motor itself (unlikely), a fuse, a bad thermostat, or a bad temperature sensor switch that triggers the fan to come on.

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