My New 2014 Thunderbird Commander

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Hi all,
I have purchased a 2014 Thunderbird Commander. The shop offered me $8,000 for my 2003 America, so what could I do. I only paid $7,000 for the America after I used up 26,500km on her.
Last Friday I had the 10,000km service on the Commander and asked the mechanic to take it for a ride as it sounded like it had timing gear/piston noise. On return he informed me that the engine had to come out and the pistons and pots had to be replaced!!!
After some investigation I have found out that quite a few of the big bore twins have had this done to them. Does anyone here know about this problem, as the Triumph dealer would not/could not explain what the problem was, only that Triumph was aware of the issue and the work was covered by the warranty.
Any information would be appreciated. Have I make a boo boo in this purchase?
Yes is the short answer. I have found a few threads on some of the meany Triumph forums. The majority refer to the 1600cc Thunderbirds.
It sounds like there is a harmonic/chatter/vibration issue with the pistons/pots on the big twins.
As the job is not a small one and that Triumph send a full kit within a very short time frame. It makes me think that Triumph have known about the problem since the 1600's.
Darned rotten luck. Hope it gets repaired right for you.
I will check some other places too so I can find out some more on this.
Hopefully it is isolated to only a few bikes and not a problem for them all.
I had an 'off the record' chat with a un-named Triumph mechanic. He has a feeling that Triumph may have had an issue with the specs on the piston skirt thickness.
He also thinks that the company that originally forged them are no longer contracted. But who knows. It's all just rumors until Triumph go public, if they go public.
Hi all,
I have purchased a 2014 Thunderbird Commander. The shop offered me $8,000 for my 2003 America, so what could I do. I only paid $7,000 for the America after I used up 26,500km on her.
Last Friday I had the 10,000km service on the Commander and asked the mechanic to take it for a ride as it sounded like it had timing gear/piston noise. On return he informed me that the engine had to come out and the pistons and pots had to be replaced!!!
After some investigation I have found out that quite a few of the big bore twins have had this done to them. Does anyone here know about this problem, as the Triumph dealer would not/could not explain what the problem was, only that Triumph was aware of the issue and the work was covered by the warranty.
Any information would be appreciated. Have I make a boo boo in this purchase?
I have same issue. I have a 2014 LT with the engine noise and vibration. Triumph diagnosed it as a loose piston sleeve in the cylinder jug. Bike only has 500 miles on it.
Hi all, Well I picked up my Commander on Saturday from Tauranga. Rode home sam day (300+ km).
The bike ran sweet. in fact it seemed to have a little more up N go. No noise from engine, so fingers crossed.
I have same issue. I have a 2014 LT with the engine noise and vibration. Triumph diagnosed it as a loose piston sleeve in the cylinder jug. Bike only has 500 miles on it.
500 miles is not good. Triumph seem to be having issues with the big twins, yet they have not informed anyone. I would of thought that they would at least sent out a notice to all dealers regarding this.
I have over 10K kms on my T'bird LT and no issues so far. Will be going into hibernation soon so hopefully nothing pops up next spring after the warranty has expired and I want to ride.
Had the Pistons and sleeves replaced on my 2014 LT at 21,000 km under warranty. Had severe clacking noise and vibration issues. I know of 4 others that have had this done too. Much better now it has been done, very throaty and responsive. Still having vibration problems, just contacted the dealer again to see what can be done. It looks like it could be the Cush drive assembly but with the dealership. 400kms away it is difficult to get a quick answer. Also had the panniers replaced which fell apart after a weekend of riding in the rain and also the gear selector which the chrome pitted on it. Bit disappointed with the quality control and simple design errors. Love riding the bike though.
I have been lucky with my Storm, so far as I have nearly 85,000 on the clock and havent had any mechanical issues.
Though many owners do mention various "unusual' noises.
In my case, I thought the top end was a bit rattly in the early time, so changed the oil to Fuchs Silkolene semi 10/40 and has been great since.
Its great though, that Triumph acknowledge and rectify any issues that have arisen for some owners.
well guys i heard from service manager from shop, that triumph plans stopping production on LT. maybe all big motors. 3 year run, to many problems. they didn't do it right. Well see!

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