I'm currently looking for a SUV for my youngest son. The way the prices are going and the high mileage on the used ones I'm starting to look more toward a new one. Finding something around here with less than 80,000 miles is dang near impossible. The ones I have found are only a couple thousand less than the sticker price on a new one. And forget about getting a used Subaru, they just don't hit the market around here very often.
Well I just dropped off the demo car now I should have my one by next week sometime. The one thing I noticed when getting back into the 6 was how heavy it seems to be to drive in comparrision
Congratulations Dave. That looks really good. That is the same color as my Ford F450. My first choice is Subaru and my second is Mazda for automobiles.
Well it arrived at the dealer yesterday and they started getting it ready for me. Looks like it will only be Wednesday that it will be ready as Tuesday is a holiday this side
Well I was supposed to pick up the new car this afternoon. Last week I phoned the insurance to make sure I would have all my ducks in a row and there would be no issues today. When I spoke to the consultant about the process it all seemed to be about the same. Fill in the paperwork at the dealer when I arrive to pick it up then send it to them for a release certificate and ride my new car away. Yes sir that is still the way it works, COOL stuff. I also made sure about the tracking device that may have been needed. No sir at that price you do not need one.
So off I go the dealer fills in the paperwork emails it off and faxes it but just to make sure we phone them. Oh no sorry you need to send it in 24 hours before collection What but you told me another thing, no sir sorry 24 hours it must be. So do you have the paper work that I sent, oh yes sir its on my desk. So just process it, sorry sir 24 hours before collection. Well I have a problem now as the dealer has taken my old car already so I don't have transport, what now. Sorry sir 24 hour before collection. So Tuesday is a holiday here so now I will only be able to get it Wednesday. I don't know why but I then ask them about the tracking device needed as I was told I would not need one. Oh yes sir you have to have one for that car as it exceeds the limit allowed without one. So if I had of not checked on that as well I would have had a serious problem is it had of got stolen but I still had 2 days to get one installed so that was not the show stopper. So now I ask to speak to the supervisor, sorry sir they gone home already, how about the manager, sorry sir they also gone home already. Now this is at 15:00 and they should work until 17:00. So at then end of it we don't have to help you so we won't as it may make us do a few minutes of work just to input it into the system and send a verification certificate along.
That truly sucks! Have they never heard of customer service? Over here, insurance companies would bend over backwards to help you. In fact, if you trade cars and have insurance on your old car, you are insured automatically for ten days. When I traded for my F450, the dealer did the financing and insurance that afternoon and I drove the truck home.
Yes here they will fall over each other to get their teeth into you. Hope they get ya sorted soon Dave that really sucks. We need pics when you get her you know
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