Mazda CX-5 - Maybe My Next Purchase

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Well I am reaching the stage where I must start looking around for a new car so this is what I am now looking at Mazda CX-5. It will either be the Dynamic or Individual so any thoughts on these would be appreciated :y2:

A bit more about it here Mazda CX 5 This is the American version with the controls on the wrong side :y2:

Controls on the wrong side???? :y2:
I've never owned one and don't really know much about them, but this model is getting good reviews over here - and they look good too!
I think it may be a good choice.
Well I have owned a few Mazda 6's and loved them but it looks like they at the end of line now with no new models coming out. The dealer is going to loan me a demo for the night when he gets one in so I can test it out, so depending on the overall end price with my one as a trade I will see how it goes.
well ive owned both mazda and Scooby and it comes down to what you want !!!! if you want all the latest gizmos buy the mazda , if you want reliability smoothness and great handling buy the Scooby .

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