I am just now reading the article about the electrical B/S issues in Ca but have heard about them a few years back. In the area i live in if you drive around the county there are scattered generating "stations" about 1/2 the size of 18 wheeler that run on natural gas. WE have a nuclear plant about 65 mi. away but the gas is so cheap and has been in place for so long that it's probably cheaper than anything else. In fact everybody that lived near the oil fields back when i was a kid was given free gas to there house this went on from around ww2 untill about the mid 70's. When i was a kid and went to visit some of my relatives that were luckey enough to have this free gas it was a treat, they always had a hot house in the winter and just about everybody had a greenhouse and even their shop or car-house was heated you didn't even get scolded if you left the door open. All those old wells are still in operation and the gas is still flowing. That one thing that gets me about the tree hungers alot of this fossil free fuel isn't fossil free in my state its about 30-40%. Anyway i sometimes wonder about California i sure feel sorry for the people that have lost their property in the fires, that must be horrible to loose everything you have .