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Your home owners insurance takes care of your roof. The solar company comes and dismantles everything in advance. The solar company inspects your roof prior to the installation. Thus your roof must be fairly new.
This is also why many solar companies, and roofing companies, have gotten into the other business as well. You will find many roofing-&-solar companies.
Another thing I looked at briefly was a " stand by generator " . If I had natural gas it would be easy but I don't and a large propane tank just turns me off so the easiest and most cost effective way for me is to sit back and wait for the lights to come on and enjoy the charcoal smoker.
Definitely a rant....picture worth a thousand words...
I thought retirement was going to be at my own pace but was I ever wrong. I've been busier that a one armed paper hanger for the past 3, or is that the past 6 months? I might have to go back to work to get some rest.
I thought the same thing when I retired, but my time was my own and I was doing things I wanted to do and always seemed so busy that time just flew by.
I thought retirement was going to be at my own pace but was I ever wrong. I've been busier that a one armed paper hanger for the past 3, or is that the past 6 months? I might have to go back to work to get some rest.
I can certainly relate to that. I have had that same experience - and it has not let up!
I thought the same thing when I retired, but my time was my own and I was doing things I wanted to do and always seemed so busy that time just flew by.

That is what I'm experiencing, it is all things I want to do except for riding. The weather has sucked lately so no riding.

I do not have a wife to keep me busy. Like Bob Marley said "No woman no cry."

It's not my wife that keeps me busy, she has to take a number just like everyone else.

Today was one of the easiest days in a long time. I spent the morning disassembling a POS table saw I'm sending to the trash. The motor was still good so I saved it but the rest is headed to the dump.
I am just now reading the article about the electrical B/S issues in Ca but have heard about them a few years back. In the area i live in if you drive around the county there are scattered generating "stations" about 1/2 the size of 18 wheeler that run on natural gas. WE have a nuclear plant about 65 mi. away but the gas is so cheap and has been in place for so long that it's probably cheaper than anything else. In fact everybody that lived near the oil fields back when i was a kid was given free gas to there house this went on from around ww2 untill about the mid 70's. When i was a kid and went to visit some of my relatives that were luckey enough to have this free gas it was a treat, they always had a hot house in the winter and just about everybody had a greenhouse and even their shop or car-house was heated you didn't even get scolded if you left the door open. All those old wells are still in operation and the gas is still flowing. That one thing that gets me about the tree hungers alot of this fossil free fuel isn't fossil free in my state its about 30-40%. Anyway i sometimes wonder about California i sure feel sorry for the people that have lost their property in the fires, that must be horrible to loose everything you have .
Well the power came back on at around 10pm, most people will now also still be without water for a good couple of hours until they able to fill up the storage tanks around the city.