There was one of these in the Vintage club in Sydney.That's how I picked it, it was a very well known bike as it was quite rare and I think had wooden wheels.
While I'm on guys what are 'neutral' ratings? I can't seem to see what they are for?
Is it because I'm a bit of an anorak on this forum?
So are info ratings classed as neutral?
You got that right Spanna, the moneyed people who spent it like water have put so many bikes out of the range of the average person.Prices are ridiculous Rocky, to us poor people, but there are a heck of a lot rich people with maybe more money than sense?
However if I had there kind of dosh to spend on toys for boys I would probably do the same thing. £90+ mill on euro millions tonight, for £2.50 a chuck, I may have a go, watch this space.
A nice Brough Superior would look good in my garage. Wait a minute, I will need a bigger garage first?
Haaa! Thanks Dave, I can live with a little optimism, no point being on the planet without just a smidge of it?