Watch out for Sandy

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The response by FEMA has been terrible.

They ran out of water of all things! All that would be needed to get water in their quickly would be to fill up a transport plane and fly into NYC.

Did you hear people tried to get in touch with FEMA over the weekend only to get a recording that they are closed on the weekends and will reopen on Monday?? Their temporary emergency management office in NY was also closed for the weekend!!
The leading edge of that storm is here now and will be here in force tonight into tomorrow so we've been hearing a lot about it - probably more than usual because of the already devestated northeast that's getting hit again.
What a shame! It's not as if those poor people haven't suffered enough.
Yes, it was still horrible there and the government response has not been good. You won't hear much about that from the mainstream media because they protect those in power...hint, hint.

The NYC Mayor wanted to have the NY Marathon just a couple days after the hurricane. He eventually backed down on that due to public outcry, but it shows how out of touch he is. He wouldn't allow the National Guard in because he said he didn't want anyone with gun except the police....the NATIONAL GUARD!!!??? His police and firemen are already overtaxed, but he refuses help to stop the rampant looting from the National Guard.

There are about 1 million houses without power still and without power, there's no heat or anything. Then the idiots tell people if they need help to go to the FEMA website? If you go to the FEMA website, there's nothing really there that will help you and people don;'t have electricity to power a computer anyhow.
When we had the flooding in north Florida, we could get in touch with FEMA until 10:00 PM seven days a week. The FEMA inspectors were working at least six days per week.

Bloomburg's attitude toward the National Guard does not surprise me at all. He is extremely anti gun. He would rather have wholesale looting than have somebody with firearm.
Yes, it was still horrible there and the government response has not been good. You won't hear much about that from the mainstream media because they protect those in power...hint, hint.

The NYC Mayor wanted to have the NY Marathon just a couple days after the hurricane. He eventually backed down on that due to public outcry, but it shows how out of touch he is. He wouldn't allow the National Guard in because he said he didn't want anyone with gun except the police....the NATIONAL GUARD!!!??? His police and firemen are already overtaxed, but he refuses help to stop the rampant looting from the National Guard.

There are about 1 million houses without power still and without power, there's no heat or anything. Then the idiots tell people if they need help to go to the FEMA website? If you go to the FEMA website, there's nothing really there that will help you and people don;'t have electricity to power a computer anyhow.
We get all the U.S. commercial and news TV channels up here so we're kept well up to date on what's going on below the border the same as what you see and hear every day.
But believe me, we're glad the U.S. election is over :y2:
The NYC marathon fiasco really stunned me/us. I couldn't believe it was still going to be held!!
And keeping the National Guard out??????? Sometimes I wonder about those in charge CRY
Worse yet.....even after the NY Marathon was cancelled, the huge generators they shipped into NYC for the Marathon were left there, unused and not moved and used to help people without power!!!:mad:

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Obviously disaster preparation in not very high on New York's and NYC's agenda.

I read where non union utility crews were not allowed to work in NJ, even in a disaster. Those crews were redeployed to Long Island.
Folks keep talking about those generators and most of the talk is from folks that do not understand the situation. The generators are useless and can't be used. The distribution system is down and the generators have no way of powering the houses. Once the transmission systems are restored then the distribution systems can be restored and energized. At that point the generators won't be needed anyway.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
Obviously disaster preparation in not very high on New York's and NYC's agenda.

I read where non union utility crews were not allowed to work in NJ, even in a disaster. Those crews were redeployed to Long Island.

That's true. Crews from Alabama, Georgia, and Florida were refused unless they signed union papers.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
And the governor would not issue an emergency order over riding the law in an emergency. He would rather see his people without electricity than lose the union votes.
Well, that seems a bit short sighted when crews drive hours, spend thousands on fuel etc. to come HELP and they turn them away and refuse the help.
That has ZERO to do with the "man" screwing anyone. Just rude really.
I think the Presidents of Alabama Power, Georgia and FLorida Power should send Mr. Christie a bill for the time up and back and fuel. WHat an ass.
And the families still without power should sue the fat cat politician.
But thats just me.
All of the crews are busy as far as I have heard. Just not in New Jersey.

There is plenty of devastation to go around.

I think it would be interesting if New Jersey is the last to complete their restoration of grid power........
Well, that seems a bit short sighted when crews drive hours, spend thousands on fuel etc. to come HELP and they turn them away and refuse the help.
That has ZERO to do with the "man" screwing anyone. Just rude really.
I think the Presidents of Alabama Power, Georgia and FLorida Power should send Mr. Christie a bill for the time up and back and fuel. WHat an ass.
And the families still without power should sue the fat cat politician.
But thats just me.

The customers are charged with the all expenses of the crews that come to aid in restoration whether they work or not.

Some of our crews are union and some are non-union, it will be interesting to see where they work. I know when one of our crews from one of our union companies goes to work in our non-union company's areas of the company for storm restoration there is no problem and the same can be seen when the non-union crews come to work in the union areas.
Some of the States that sent crews are "Right to Work" states where people have the choice to not join the union if they don't want to.

The crews from Georgia worked at electrical co-op companies that are non-union and have rejected the union. They say they have great benefits and are paid just as well.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

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