Local flooding, not tidal surge and strong winds south of where the center went ashore. The worst winds were south of the center.
We get all the U.S. commercial and news TV channels up here so we're kept well up to date on what's going on below the border the same as what you see and hear every day.Yes, it was still horrible there and the government response has not been good. You won't hear much about that from the mainstream media because they protect those in power...hint, hint.
The NYC Mayor wanted to have the NY Marathon just a couple days after the hurricane. He eventually backed down on that due to public outcry, but it shows how out of touch he is. He wouldn't allow the National Guard in because he said he didn't want anyone with gun except the police....the NATIONAL GUARD!!!??? His police and firemen are already overtaxed, but he refuses help to stop the rampant looting from the National Guard.
There are about 1 million houses without power still and without power, there's no heat or anything. Then the idiots tell people if they need help to go to the FEMA website? If you go to the FEMA website, there's nothing really there that will help you and people don;'t have electricity to power a computer anyhow.
Obviously disaster preparation in not very high on New York's and NYC's agenda.
I read where non union utility crews were not allowed to work in NJ, even in a disaster. Those crews were redeployed to Long Island.
That's true. Crews from Alabama, Georgia, and Florida were refused unless they signed union papers.
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Well, that seems a bit short sighted when crews drive hours, spend thousands on fuel etc. to come HELP and they turn them away and refuse the help.
That has ZERO to do with the "man" screwing anyone. Just rude really.
I think the Presidents of Alabama Power, Georgia and FLorida Power should send Mr. Christie a bill for the time up and back and fuel. WHat an ass.
And the families still without power should sue the fat cat politician.
But thats just me.