But keep in mind that old cruisers, both American and British, had tank mounted instruments - HD, Indian, Vincent, etc.
LOL!!!!! Man, hoards of idiots at other forums are pi$$ing and moaning about that because HD uses them. I never even thought about what you said, but i'd like to see the look on thier vintage loving faces when they hear that the very thing they are complaining about being too harley davidson is actually a vintage detail used on brit and others back in the day ! These snobs and thier attitudes irritate me to no end. Just goes to show how shallow they are that they can't see the beauty in a bike because of something like this, and it's not even a HD creation to boot ! I suppose if they found out HD invented the wheel they'd all be clamoring for square wheels. :y24: :y24: :y24:
By the way, i have no issue with these people if they just state thier dislike. But they're talking about it in a very mean spirited way calling it a POS (piece of **** for those who may not know) and the like and generally showing maturity levels of embryonic proportions. I intend to own this bike, and just because i don't possess it just yet, calling it a POS is no different than if i called the bonnies that many of them own right now a POS. And they wouldn't appreciate that now would they ! Nor would i be ahole enough to say that even if i believed it. (and i love bonnies by the way....just like the cruisers better)
You must be forgetting about the Dyna line of bikes. There are also many soft-tails under 20K
Well, i'm not real informed, but i'm generalizing from what i have seen. By friend's bike which i think is a dyna cost him 18k 3 or 4 years ago. And he said that was the cheapest one he saw aside from sportys