I just wish they'd have copied my speedy tank shape and paint scheme. It looks sleek and fits well into the cruiser scheme, and even tho it has a tank console or nacelle whatever it's called it still looks british and it has the speedo up front. They could have done that and pleased all the current triumph cruiser owners. But it's just further proof we aren't the demographic they Are targeting.
But this is kinda funny because of all the "oh it looks like a HD" comments.....consider this...theres a couple things i'm happy about tho which i never cared much for on my speedmaster. They did away with the HD looking battery sticking out one side and put a side cover there. That pleases me to no end. Always felt the side with the side cover looked much better, plus the less it looks like a harley the better. And tho i kinda liked the looks of the fork shrouds, they did look too HD to me and i'm glad to see the 1600 has none.
So think about that ! Here we have a ton of people complaining about how HD it looks over at the BA forum especially, yet everyone there owns a speedmaster or america with both those HD style details that the 1600 DOESN'T have ! i think personally the 1600 looks LESS HD like than the 900 cruisers overall. They both look a bit that way, but the shrouds to me scream HD as does the battery sticking out the side. The tank to me doesn't really look HD except for the console. the shape if you look at it from the rear tapers down so that at the seat it's very narrow. HD tanks are wide all the way to the seat, barely tapering much at all. In short, i think a nice brit looking paint scheme like the speedys would make it look less HD then a 900 cruiser.