In no way should you be discouraged with your project! These are two totally different machines, except a few nuts and bolts. I have in my shop, garage & storage room SEVERAL spare engines, shelves full of parts, and bins full of hardware; plus, the family of my friend who passed in 2010 gave me many of his racing parts. So, I have not needed to search high and low to find needed parts. Even more wonderful is the fact that a very good friend of mine has opened his precision machine shop to me, to use all of the equipment as often as I like, and on a moment's notice. Lastly, I have been blessed with "play money" by selling many redundant spare parts, and have had enough time available to dedicate to this project for the last few months. I have rarely ever been blessed with such resources and espoecially TIME to work on one of my own project bikes, not since 2008/2009 when I built this one:

In no way should you be discouraged with your project! These are two totally different machines, except a few nuts and bolts. I have in my shop, garage & storage room SEVERAL spare engines, shelves full of parts, and bins full of hardware; plus, the family of my friend who passed in 2010 gave me many of his racing parts. So, I have not needed to search high and low to find needed parts. Even more wonderful is the fact that a very good friend of mine has opened his precision machine shop to me, to use all of the equipment as often as I like, and on a moment's notice. Lastly, I have been blessed with "play money" by selling many redundant spare parts, and have had enough time available to dedicate to this project for the last few months. I have rarely ever been blessed with such resources and espoecially TIME to work on one of my own project bikes, not since 2008/2009 when I built this one: