This Winter

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there is somthing realy wrong with the weather this past 2 to 3 years up and down like a yoyo ! i mean in march this year i was having barbques in shorts and a Tshirt , in june i was in a Tshirt,shirt and fleese and it was -4c :y4: something is happening and its happening fast !!!!:y10:
Of course YOU would think it's unbelievably cold. After all, you Floridians probably turn the heat on when the weather gets down to 70. ROTFL

I wait until it gets down to 65F before turning the heat on. BGRIN

My grandson and I spent most of the day at Daytona Beach - until the daily rains moved in.
Apparently it is so cold in The Free State that a lot of farmers are wearing two pairs of shorts......

(If you dont understand, substitute Ireland for The Free State.)

(If you are Irish I apologise.......)
It was raw here today. At 9 am I was in the park having a walk and a jog. It was supposed to be +4C but with a strong wind it felt a lot colder than that. My little townhouse was freezing throughout today and I went to bed at 6 pm just to warm up!

I'm up again now and I'll watch a little of the Olympics closing ceremony. At least the wind has died down and I think we've probably had our last really cold winter snap- I hope so anyway....
Sticky, yep. Thats what we got. Its like living in a sauna. You do acclimate, its amazing what the body can adjust to.
I actually enjoy mowing the yard and working outside in the August heat. However the few days we get down below 55 degrees......I am in the house in front of a fire!!! With a fleece jacket and long sleeves on! :y2: