I hear You Carl. I remember a few years ago there were several folks on the BA.com site looking for speedy brakes for their Americas. I loved how they worked at highway speeds and with 2 people on the bike. I've had guys tell me it is the metsler tire, the pads, ME, the first time I thought it was me. the second time I consiously thought about front wheel lock up, squeezed the brake slightly and wham. Now the fronts take a bit more effort to feel the slow down which will force me to use the rear brakes more. My mechanical background tells me I need to change the master cylinder too because the speedy cylinder was sized to move 2 calipers while the america master cylinder only needs enough volume to operate one caliper. I've only ridden it 3 times since, due to inclement weather so the jury is still out. I still might go back and change something else instead.