Painting the Triumph seat logo

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I used tracing paper and made my own stencil out of a bit of stiff but thin cardboard. Came out beautiful on the rear of the seat. If you have a mate with a seat with the Triumph Meriden logo on it use that.
Merry Christmas to all and a prosperous new year!!
Keith from NZ
I found a guy in MD who sells the stencil kits. I got mine off eBay for $20 which included shipping. You place the sticky side on the back of the bike seat, press it down, and spray two or three thin coats of paint. there are several spray paints available for painting vinyl, leather and fabric. I bought a paint by SC Johnson & Co. (the same people who make Johnson's wax). It is called Meltonian Nu-Life Color spray. They have a variety of colors. I bought silver since my bike is blck with silver trim. I can send you information on the guy I bought the stencil from if you are interested. My guess is you can also use a plain stencil and trace off the TRIUMPH design onto a large sheet of plastic that has a stick on side and it will work just as good.
DON'T USE THE FELT TIP PEN! The one "Michael's" sells. It goes on easy, (clean thoroughly with denatured alcohol first!), but the stuff never dries properly and will rub off and smear. Really a PIA to get off. (Ask me how I know about this)
Don't use one of those felt tip paint pens sold at craft stores!! You know, like the paint markers they use at the junk yard to mark car parts. You can get them in gold, too. They work pretty well to fill in the embossed logo on the back of the seat, (I have a '96 Thunderbird), BUT THE PAINT DOESN'T EVER DRY FULLY!!! It will stay a bit sticky and will rub off on anything that rests against it; your bike cover, a tail pack or your passengers jacket. Ask me how I know this!