Otherwise the Archaeologist

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Bet you're glad that you didn't have to mix it yourself, that's quite a load.

How long will that take to cure? Looks pretty thick.
You are keeping it damp hey?


"Bet you're glad that you didn't have to mix it yourself"
Sure am, the underpinning was mixed by hand but that was only about 1 cubic mtr all up, and done in 6 separate stages. This mix was 3 cubic mtr.

"How long will that take to cure? Looks pretty thick"
It's 0.150 mtr thick about 6 inches.
The way they batch in Australia you can walk flat footed on it the next day but it progressively gets harder over about 3 weeks.

"You are keeping it damp"
I am but I was told it wasn't necessary because it's mid winter and an indoor job, no harsh sun drying it out too fast.

I'm so glad to see the heavy work done, tomorrow I have a mate coming to talk about bricking in that old door and window and fitting new windows. Then the under pinned wall has to be fitted up with glass bricks for better light then, etc etc ...
Even though the job is probably 10% done it was the hard 10%, it's all down hill now.:y6:
Well I think from now on you should really start to see it coming all together. What you going to use it for then

Was hoping you wouldn't ask that question.SAD

I was going to just make the large unused area downstairs larger and open plan. Now it looks like the family has decided to turn 120 sq mtr of it into a self contained flat. My daughter has put herself forward as the tenant. Oh well that's me outvoted. CRY
Otherwise, I know how you feel. I have a 20 yr old Son. And just married into 3 (18, 21, and a 22 year old) Step Kids. And MY "office" and guest room have transformed numerous times. Original "plan" (my plan of course) was an office and a gym/music room.....but they always (between the 4 kids) seem to need a place to stay....for a bit....get "thoughts" together or need time away from "significant others"......then they "get it together" and go back out in the world......and come back.....and then out again....etc. etc.....just par for the course at the stages in life they all are. Enjoy the time and remember (like Shannon always tells me) "This too shall pass" :y16:
It may not look much but I had a big day on the ongoing job. I put half the day into cutting a groove into the inside wall for a lintel. Then cut from inside and outside (my angle grinder isn't big enough) to form the opening for a glass brick panel. The bricks go in very easy but I just run out of time to put them today, well that's tomorrow morning taken care of.



Why am I doing this myself? I've got four windows and a small amount of brick work to do and I have a quote for $5,200. I priced all material for the four windows including lintels, windows, glass bricks etc and it came to $1,500. I'm capable to do the work, I'm happy to pay to have it done and go ride my bike but ... sorry, $3,700 saved is too much to walk away from.:y12:
fair enuf mate
have you laid glass bricks before

Yep, two houses back I put in a tower from the ground floor through to high up on the first floor, let heaps of light onto the stairs.
Found a photo.

30-No9 day.jpg

I laid every brick in the lower level, Sharron said that I also named each one. We spent 8 years on that place and it wasn't our first fixeruper, that's why I don't mind paying as long as I'm not being screwed by some smart young bloke.

Good going Kev that is a load of cash to save if you are able to do it yourself

I've got to get the correct balance between what I did for myself when I was younger and what I can do today.
I've had my right shoulder rebuilt twice and these last few weeks it wakes me up at night because I've been overworking it. That's what old motorcycle racers have to put up with ... and I never won a race at national level. CRY
Well I am much the same I don't try and do stuff if I feel it is beyond me then stuff it up and end up paying more to get it fixed and then done :y10:

I agree but, always a BUT with me ... You have to push yourself to the limit or you never know if you gave up too early. I say once you have done a trade your hand eye coordination and ability to think around a job has been refined so you can cross trades and DIY.
Yeah I always push myself to the limit I even managed to change a light bulb without getting the electrician in to do it BLUSH

Jokes aside my biggest problem these days are tools. When all my tools got stolen a few years back and the insurance would not pay for it I just was never able to replace them. So now I first have to look at tools on-hand, then weight up cost of job to be done and then material, tools needed and time available to do the job. A mate of mine always tries to do the jobs himself but he ends up having a load of unfinished projects in his house that drives the wife mad. I also hate something to be unfinished for a long period of time. So if a contractor is going to do a great job at a good price and take a few days opposed to my few weeks I would sooner go with the contractor.

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