6 String Archaeological Dig

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I almost posted that at 9:30 last night to get an early jump on April Fools and my shift partner stopped me, said wait until after midnight so it will really be an April Fools joke.
yup ya bugga,ya got me
but in the defense of kevin and myself,april fools morning was long gone.It was 2 am on the second when I saw ya post.
I just assumed the lad came from a talented family and was a natural. BLUSH

My son was playing like that after 6 mths. :y15:

Help, my pants are on fire. :y2:
I believe that would be a Les Paul with a Marshall stack.
I believe not, 90% of Led Zep recordings were done with Page playing his Yardbird's Tele through a small Supro amp. He rarely used a Marshall in the studio, although he did use the Les Paul (both the sunburst and a 3 pickup Black Beauty) on later recordings. All the earlier stuff was done with the Telecaster.
Oh.....the Black Beauty DROOL dream guitar of mine since I can remember. Not the new Epiphone "rip off" money grubber version, I want the real thing (I know......hey if you are gonna dream, dream big JACK)
The master with the beauty

He was also fond of the Gibson SG Double Neck
The doubleneck has always facinated me! I've tried them over the years, but they are just too cumbersome for my taste, and I have fairly long arms. Page only used his live that I ever heard tell of.
A buddy of mine had one. It is rather cumbersome sitting, standing the SG model is not much heavier than a Les Paul. My problem (again) was hitting chords on the dern 12 string thing.......I should stick with bass I reckon too many tiny little strings for me to keep track of. :y2:
That's a nice CLEAN sound.
Being the stage 1 novice that I am I don't know if it was my choice in purchase, or not knowing how to set my amp to get that.
Well done.
Yeah, not bad for a $40 guitar.

Kyle just told be he accidentally left the Ibanez Tube Screamer on while he was playing.

I was hoping he would do Sweet Home Alabama but he didn't. Maybe next time.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
:y2: Good One Hemi:y15:

Otherwise, your amps "owners guide" should give instruction on knob settings to achieve certain effects/sounds. That amp you bought has a ton of settings and sound options from what I saw. Practice practice practice.
:y2: Good One Hemi:y15:

Otherwise, your amps "owners guide" should give instruction on knob settings to achieve certain effects/sounds. That amp you bought has a ton of settings and sound options from what I saw. Practice practice practice.

Real men don't read instructions. :y15:
And that just may be why we do get into the sh*t.

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