Otherwise the Archaeologist

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I have a lower part of my house that the PO (previous owner) partly excavated. It’s been behind a curtain and used as a storage area. I’ve finally decided to excavate and unify the floor levels as well as properly water proof and line the walls. The PO was like me a mechanical fitter so I knew that at key areas I’d have plenty of thick and rich concrete to remove.
This shot is after I emptied the area and removed the curtaining. The wall on the left is earth supporting hence the PO’s partial excavation and boxing in of the original footings. I’m game to chop away and lower the floor, possibly underpin the original but have to dig and see what I find.


Today I started on the right side and used a 9” grinder to cut the concrete and winged it, what will I find? Firstly an old telephone line from the Bronze (or Copper) Age. I’ve never seen one this thick, apparently they’re designed to go under construction just two pairs of wire encased with heavy copper. I still have a phone, this must have been terminated long ago.


It’s going to be a long ongoing job as after a day like today the 61 year old body thinks a day or two off is a good idea.

End of day one. This cut is about 15% of the area to be removed, about 3 mtr long 1 mtr wide and 0.5 mtr deep, the hard part is still to come.


This thread will run for a long time as I've decided to do the work myself but hey that's what retired people do. :y2:
You're very brave to take this project on by yourself! Idle hands and all that stuff. Keep us posted on how you get along or when you decide to contract some young whippersnappers to do the back-breaking stuff :y2:
You're very brave to take this project on by yourself! Idle hands and all that stuff. Keep us posted on how you get along or when you decide to contract some young whippersnappers to do the back-breaking stuff :y2:

You're spot on Gromit. I actually funded my retirement by doing up houses and selling them on and doing it again and again. But the "whippersnapper" that I lined up to dig for me decided that the surf was up and that was more important. Well he'll continue to rent and I'll continue to rent out. :y15:
That telephone cable does it have paper insulation as I cannot see in the pic. Good on you still being able to do this for yourself and yes keep us updated as this could be an interesting one to follow:y2:
That telephone cable does it have paper insulation as I cannot see in the pic. Good on you still being able to do this for yourself and yes keep us updated as this could be an interesting one to follow:y2:

I knew that you'ld be interested in the Telstra aspect of the thread. :y2:
It's 9.15 pm and dark but I'll go down and have a look.
Watch this space.
That telephone cable does it have paper insulation as I cannot see in the pic. Good on you still being able to do this for yourself and yes keep us updated as this could be an interesting one to follow:y2:

Looks like tarpaper or such around two pair (4 wires) and a string then surrounded with a lot of heavy copper. Naturally the copper is looking good as is the four phone wires but the string and tarpaper (?) is falling apart when it's touched.



BTW, normally I don't drink a lot but after all of that dusty concrete cutting I'm on my 6th. :y13:

Also put myself back onto anti-inflammatory's because this old bloke will lock up after work without them. SAD
LOL...I have to admit, I looked at this thread and wondered why Kevin is tearing up a perfectly good cement floor (and why the area wasn't used before).

Is there someone you need to bury there Kev ??

I suggested to my wife that we could fund the job by planting things for the Mob. She just said "You think you're funny, don't you", then walked away. She didn't even listen to my answer, it was yes.:y2:
I suggested to my wife that we could fund the job by planting things for the Mob. She just said "You think you're funny, don't you", then walked away. She didn't even listen to my answer, it was yes.:y2:

Well for what its worth I thought it was funny as well. :y2:
Curious, do you where a "pith helmet" when doing archeology? Do you know Dr. Indiana Jones?

I to am working on doing just what you mentioned, buy a place......cheap.....fix it up ...sell for a profit and then do it again. Was on a roll with that plan...till the real estate meltdown.....lost a bundle....but have started over working my way back up again. Much luck to you on your current endeavor.
Had a rest yesterday but put my "pith helmet" back on again today. Only took about 4 barrows out of the "dig" (that's archaeology talk for hole in the ground). Actually spent most of the day over the 9" grinder, I've got about 75% of the concrete cross hatched.


I was torn between dust and free cutting against clogging up and less dust. Another issue is water and 240 volts. Oh well finished cutting for a few days now.

Sent using mental telepathy because I'm in teleportation mode at this time.