Hi, I am new forum and just started trying to get my 1972 tiger running. I recently rewired it and rebuilt carb. I put a new battery in to test my wiring and the lights come on but I am not getting g a spark? I put new condensors and plug wires. I also simplified the wiring diagram to its basic functions.
On the Condensors. Do they need to be grounded if I am using original bracket?
Points are going to + side on coil (yellow black and black white wires) and the condensors are hooked up to the positives on coil as well. The negatives on coil are going to ign tab on the key switch. All wiring is positive ground.
Any suggestions? Using the attached wiring diagrahm.
On the Condensors. Do they need to be grounded if I am using original bracket?
Points are going to + side on coil (yellow black and black white wires) and the condensors are hooked up to the positives on coil as well. The negatives on coil are going to ign tab on the key switch. All wiring is positive ground.
Any suggestions? Using the attached wiring diagrahm.