Welp, had another off, this time the bike got way more banged up than last time.
dodging crap in the road and ended up hitting a cub practially straight on and i front flipped off the thing, thank goodness for leather, saved my shoulder and back some serious damage, legs got a bit banged up again, damage report as follows ( at least what i know of )
- front wheel rim, bent, needs replacing, not sure if tire is re-useable or not
- rear rim slightly bent ( holds air though ) may be 'repairable' I'm seriously thinking of using a wood hammer and block and banging it straight
- right headlight glass - shattered
- right fairing, busted up pretty badly
- both right blinkers gone
- front fairing stay obviously bent up
- several cracked areas of plastic on the right side
- after market exhaust can smashed ( still have the stocks though )
- right footpeg torn off ( i'll just steal a pass peg for now )
I'm really hoping I didn't bend the front forks, as that will be one hell of an expensive replacement.
Need to check
- chain alignment
- forks
- steering neck area for cracks
- frame for any damage
- rear shock/swing arm
the cosmetic work will take quite a bit of time and effort to fix, but nothing a good bit of fiberglass, body filler, and sand paper can't sort out.
When i was loading it onto a tow trailor it felt like it was steering funny, but that could be to the combo of a bent rim and my clip on got bent, i just really really really hope i didn't bend the forks. i'm sure i bottomed out the front forks so there is a good chance i might have. I won't know until i pull the plastics of to check.
Good news is it starts and revs up, so thats good.
probably the worst news is the bike was my only source of transportation until i got $ to fix my car. i'll try to keep you guys updated and maybe some of you may have some of the extra parts i'll be needed. It may be cheaper to just get the bike fixed up though
Also got the bike towed home on a sunday night for $70, i was expecting much more to get it home.
Luckly i've found the rims and forks if needed on ebay, and I can work out the cosmetics later, as I'll probably just pull the side panels off and run it semi-naked until I can get them patched up. really sucks i crushed my exhaust can, they were nice.
Finding a replacement glass for the headlight sounds like it will be tricky, but I suppose if i stick to daytime riding i can just ride with one light for now.