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Try running the bike with the fuel filler cap could have a clogged vent in the cap. If it doesn't cut out then you know that's the problem.

My '96 doesn't have an oil level sight glass like yours. I have a dip stick (of which I am glad). I think the only way to clean the glass is to remove that entire side plate.
So, I got the oil situation figured out, but now i'm getting either 4th cylinder blow back or pressure building up in the carb, and while riding, i'll hear a pop of air, and i can physically feel the air puff on my right leg, so something still is not right with the bike.

I'm hoping to get my car up and running soon, and hopefully i won't have to ride the bike again for a while ( as its freezing on my way to work ) but i've not found anything on google that has helped. I'll probably just end up pulling the air filter, as it could be needing a replacement, cleaned, or something.

I was also thinking maybe a coil or wire needs replacing, or possibly a valve adjustment, since i would imagine the air pop is the air/fuel mix blowing back through the carb.
on this bike no, i've never pulled the carbs or airfilter off the bike yet ( mainly due to hearing the hell it is to take the air filter box off )

When I changed the spark plugs, I did replace the two main fuel hoses, but thats it.

I would think that an air leak would cause irregular high rev'ving, but i've not experienced that. Its still cutting off while stopped and in neutral, but i've noticed it does it more in the mornings when its cold than it does on my way home when its warmer.
The reason I asked is because you said you could feel it pop on your leg. The airbox is a bit far back for that.

I think the best way to tell what's happening would be to pull and look at the plugs.

Switching the coils around and seeing if the trouble switches when you do that would prove that it's a (single) coil problem.
well, to be more specific, it seems the pop comes out anywhere between the airbox and the mainifold boot of where the carb attatches to the motor.

I've never had a air leak problem on a 4cyl before, so would the motor still idol at its normal range with an air leak in only one cylinder?

i suppose first off i'll swap the coils, and check the wires and make sure everything under there is connected properly, could be i jiggled something loose when I was changing plugs, and i'll pull the plug as well.
Good question about the air leak. To be honest, I am not sure an air leak on one cylinder would cause the typical fast idle on a 4 cyl either....I kind of doubt it would though.

I also doubt it's valves either as they'll run ok with the valves needing adjusting....just not well and it would be noisy and vibrate alot.

Check the wires, plugs and coils.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Welp, had another off, this time the bike got way more banged up than last time.

dodging crap in the road and ended up hitting a cub practially straight on and i front flipped off the thing, thank goodness for leather, saved my shoulder and back some serious damage, legs got a bit banged up again, damage report as follows ( at least what i know of )

- front wheel rim, bent, needs replacing, not sure if tire is re-useable or not
- rear rim slightly bent ( holds air though ) may be 'repairable' I'm seriously thinking of using a wood hammer and block and banging it straight
- right headlight glass - shattered
- right fairing, busted up pretty badly
- both right blinkers gone
- front fairing stay obviously bent up
- several cracked areas of plastic on the right side
- after market exhaust can smashed ( still have the stocks though )
- right footpeg torn off ( i'll just steal a pass peg for now )
I'm really hoping I didn't bend the front forks, as that will be one hell of an expensive replacement.

Need to check
- chain alignment
- forks
- steering neck area for cracks
- frame for any damage
- rear shock/swing arm

the cosmetic work will take quite a bit of time and effort to fix, but nothing a good bit of fiberglass, body filler, and sand paper can't sort out.

When i was loading it onto a tow trailor it felt like it was steering funny, but that could be to the combo of a bent rim and my clip on got bent, i just really really really hope i didn't bend the forks. i'm sure i bottomed out the front forks so there is a good chance i might have. I won't know until i pull the plastics of to check.

Good news is it starts and revs up, so thats good.
probably the worst news is the bike was my only source of transportation until i got $ to fix my car. i'll try to keep you guys updated and maybe some of you may have some of the extra parts i'll be needed. It may be cheaper to just get the bike fixed up though
Also got the bike towed home on a sunday night for $70, i was expecting much more to get it home.

Luckly i've found the rims and forks if needed on ebay, and I can work out the cosmetics later, as I'll probably just pull the side panels off and run it semi-naked until I can get them patched up. really sucks i crushed my exhaust can, they were nice.

Finding a replacement glass for the headlight sounds like it will be tricky, but I suppose if i stick to daytime riding i can just ride with one light for now.
Welp, had another off, this time the bike got way more banged up than last time.

dodging crap in the road and ended up hitting a cub practially straight on and i front flipped off the thing, thank goodness for leather, saved my shoulder and back some serious damage, legs got a bit banged up again, damage report as follows ( at least what i know of )

- front wheel rim, bent, needs replacing, not sure if tire is re-useable or not
- rear rim slightly bent ( holds air though ) may be 'repairable' I'm seriously thinking of using a wood hammer and block and banging it straight
- right headlight glass - shattered
- right fairing, busted up pretty badly
- both right blinkers gone
- front fairing stay obviously bent up
- several cracked areas of plastic on the right side
- after market exhaust can smashed ( still have the stocks though )
- right footpeg torn off ( i'll just steal a pass peg for now )
I'm really hoping I didn't bend the front forks, as that will be one hell of an expensive replacement.

Need to check
- chain alignment
- forks
- steering neck area for cracks
- frame for any damage
- rear shock/swing arm

the cosmetic work will take quite a bit of time and effort to fix, but nothing a good bit of fiberglass, body filler, and sand paper can't sort out.

When i was loading it onto a tow trailor it felt like it was steering funny, but that could be to the combo of a bent rim and my clip on got bent, i just really really really hope i didn't bend the forks. i'm sure i bottomed out the front forks so there is a good chance i might have. I won't know until i pull the plastics of to check.

Good news is it starts and revs up, so thats good.
probably the worst news is the bike was my only source of transportation until i got $ to fix my car. i'll try to keep you guys updated and maybe some of you may have some of the extra parts i'll be needed. It may be cheaper to just get the bike fixed up though
Also got the bike towed home on a sunday night for $70, i was expecting much more to get it home.

Luckly i've found the rims and forks if needed on ebay, and I can work out the cosmetics later, as I'll probably just pull the side panels off and run it semi-naked until I can get them patched up. really sucks i crushed my exhaust can, they were nice.

Finding a replacement glass for the headlight sounds like it will be tricky, but I suppose if i stick to daytime riding i can just ride with one light for now.

Wow! I'm sure sorry that you had an off. I'm glad you were injured too badly. The bike can be fixed; you are what's important. It is good that you have located some of the parts on eBay. Please keep us updated.
yeah, it sucks, with some of the prices i've seen on ebay with some (good) luck i may can get back on the road for around $500 or so.

Assuming no major damage best case senario
I'll just get some cheap blinkers ($15 at local cyclegear), borrow a passenger peg and use it up front, re-align my clip ons, buy a front replacement rim from ebay, ($200 or so ) pull my aftermarket pipes off and put the stocks back on ( bye bye awesome sounding bike ) and just cover up the shattered front headlight lens. And basically just ride without the side panels on until I can patch them up.

I suppose if the cosmetic damage is terribly bad, I may just basically turn it into a early speed tripple kind of thing, find one of those single round headlight kits and try cleaning up the front end as best as I can.

It seems that when it rains it pours, in one week i lost my car, my bike, and my girlfriend ( along with the cat ), so i'm trying to just keep my spirits high and a chin up.
yeah, luckly also i'm still young and can bounce back pretty good from injury, i'm sure some of you more 'seasoned' fellows would be needing a cane to get around. I'm also glad i didn't break anything, as it seems I came down directly on my shoulder pad area, then onto my back, and I had a backpack on some i'm sure that helped cushion some of the blow. Maybe today if I feel like attempting to do anything I'll start pulling the plastics off and seeing what true damage i did. but then again, i'm at work without a forseable ride home, so i'm not sure how today is going to go.
Best of luck with the fix up job.
You said you're young, it's this kind of experience that makes a young man wise.

in one week i lost my car, my bike, and my girlfriend ( along with the cat ).

Regarding car, bike, girlfriend and cat, hey a fresh start may all be for the better. Keep smiling!
Yeah, the staintunes, they were nice, but since they are basically hollow, they are quite... flexible?

I'm still not sure entirely how the bike went down, but it looks like it popped up and basically landed on the tail/pipe then the front, so yes, unfortunately the pipe is done for ( the left one still looks nice! )

I'm really thinking with all the bodywork damage, it may just be cheaper and easier to run a single round headlight, and ditch the stock body work and ride it naked. a replacement lens looks to be impossible to find, not sure if a dealer will be able to locate a new one. I've seen a picture somewhere where someone basically put an SV 1200 headlamp on the forks and made it more of a standard bike. I'm not in love with the idea, but i don't know how safe ( and legal ) it is to be running with a busted out headlight unit.
I have seen others "convert" Sprints to Naked "Speed triple-ish" bikes. Doesn't look bad. I have not seen a Trophy done this way, but should work about the same. Could you use a partial faring, like the old Sprint RS?

Besides who needs plastic......or their hearing!!! Look at these straight exhaust!?!?!?!:y13:
hack job.jpg

Good luck gettin her back on the road. Look at the bright side without all the added weight it will be faster :y15::y2:

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