The guys really poured on the gas as they're now in Buenos Aires.
Maybe we'll now get an update on their blog.
I've enjoyed following their progress.
Maybe we'll now get an update on their blog.
I've enjoyed following their progress.
Yes it is. I was really enjoying their adventure. One of them is going to continue to travel for a while, but not on a bike.Always a shame when you following something like this and it ends
I agree. Take the loss and be done with it. It's part of the risk you take on these epic this is why I say forget the bikes not worth the effort
I've read blogs from adventure riders who travelled to "questionable" countries where corruption is rampant and they made copies of legal documents like driver's licence, passport, insurance.
They were counting on uneducated rabble types at borders or en route not knowing the difference so if they were stolen or kept nothing was lost.
Motorcycle adventurer, Lois Price, rode alone from Alaska to the tip of South America and from top to bottom of Africa.
In her books about her adventures, she said she had a dozen copies of her driver's licence (for example) and if the border guards threatened to, or did keep it, she wasn't worried about it and rode away. She used up several of them.
She was the wife of CarlS and passed away in the hospital a couple of years ago.Forgive me for asking, who was Mae Lyne? Did she pass while riding? Just curious.
Thank you, and disrespect intended.