Hey you all,
I'm Didier and i'm the happy owner of this 1970 Triumph T120R that i bought last year. I bought it to ride regularly with and to maintain myself. I like driving as much as doing mechanics.
This motorcycle was built in June 1970 in Meriden and started life in France in early 1971 (direct import), with many transformations over the years at its first owner, then arrived in Luxembourg in 2007 for a "rebuild" by his second owner.
I bought it in 2017 and took it to belgium where i live.
I am Belgian, French speaking and I speak basic English.
I am interested in the exchange of information and experience between owners and users of motorcycles from the same family as this fantastic "Bonnie".
This is the state of the bike when i get it.
This is the last picture, +/- 1000 miles and six month later, yesterday, after 1 1/2 hour balade in the campaign.
Also after hours in the workshop for refixing a lot of details.
I'm not specialist of this kind of bike, my last regular moto was a brave simple 1997 Honda CB 500.
Lucky i'm, some friends of mine have the know-how and a good workshop with adapted tools (not alll of them, but enough for regular needs).
Notice that many things are not "proper", but the goal yersterday was only to test if the work done was good or not.
Th e bike itself is also dirty due to our campaign lovely roads.
Much things still to do to make this bike really reliable.
I want to be able to ride regularly without worrying about whether it will bring me where I have to go, and back home. Like for example, when the weather is nice, make the ride to work round trip (30 miles X 2) as I did last year.
Notice that much things are not "genuine" (seat, disc front brake, handelbar, ...) We can talk about it if someone is interested.
Hope this is enough for an "intro".
Have a nice day and good road,