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After almost a year of track-day riding on my 675 Daytona, I have decided to go racing!

When I asked if there was an "old ba****ds" class, I was told it is actually called "Breakfast Run" class, and is the least hectic, existing to enable novices young and old to enter the sport.

There are 8 races during this year, the first being on Feb 4th at the Red Star raceway.

I have no idea how I will fair, but am both excited and nervous.

The whole racing scene is controlled by motorsport south africa and our region by

Some may think it a bit daft to get into this at 55 y/o, but wtf. :y2:
After almost a year of track-day riding on my 675 Daytona, I have decided to go racing!

I have no idea how I will fair, but am both excited and nervous.

Some may think it a bit daft to get into this at 55 y/o, but wtf. :y2:

Good for you. TUP I think it is great. You won't start racing any younger. Get on with it and enjoy. Please keep us updated on your racing endeavors. You have a fan pulling for you in the States.

Go for it mate, don't be careful, care is what you take on the road or track days. If you take care racing you shouldn't be doing it. If you're a racer expect to cash often. I raced at national level in the 70's and therefore know that I can't do it any more because I'd be too competitive and at 61 the body couldn't take it. Because you haven't done it before go for it and see how well you can take the bouncing and sliding.
After a race you go back into the pits and talk to the bloke that you were dicing with and it's an amazing high. You'll have great memories for the rest of your life.
OK Silli. Five days to go, so it's time to level with us :y16:.

  1. How's your personal makeover training going? Have you lost 10kg yet?
  2. Have you got your personalised Dianese kangaroo racing leathers yet? With airbag, nogal.
  3. Have you been doing multiple track days at Red Star to steal an advantage over the other okes in the Breakfast Run class?
  4. Will you be running slicks?
  5. What tuning mods have you done- nitrous oxide, turbo, 750cc big bore kit TUP?
  6. Do you have an umbr-ella,ella,ella girl?
  7. Do you have pom-pom girls :y2:?
  8. Do you have enough grid girls :y37:? Can there ever be enough grid girls.....?
  9. Is your hospitality marquee all organised (air-conditioned of course, 'cos it'll be hot for us spectators) :y60: :y32: :y146: BBEER?
  10. How are you planning to cheat?
Please enlighten us on how your preparations are going :rotfl:!
OK Silli. Five days to go, so it's time to level with us :y16:.

  1. How's your personal makeover training going? Have you lost 10kg yet?

    No. Lost 2.

  1. Have you got your personalised Dianese kangaroo racing leathers yet? With airbag, nogal.

    Generic Berik, but have decided to use my old gear at this stage.

  1. Have you been doing multiple track days at Red Star to steal an advantage over the other okes in the Breakfast Run class?

    Practice is on Friday.....
  2. Will you be running slicks?

    No...... nicely scrubbed ( used ) Rosso Corsas
  3. What tuning mods have you done- nitrous oxide, turbo, 750cc big bore kit TUP?

    New glass fibre fairing.....

  1. Do you have an umbr-ella,ella,ella girl?


  1. Do you have pom-pom girls :y2:?

  2. Do you have enough grid girls :y37:? Can there ever be enough grid girls.....?

  3. Is your hospitality marquee all organised (air-conditioned of course, 'cos it'll be hot for us spectators) :y60: :y32: :y146: BBEER?

    I have a camping chair

  1. How are you planning to cheat?.....

Please enlighten us on how your preparations are going :rotfl:!

Slowly....... and am anxious about having the bike ready in time............... so if you not doing anything for the next 2 evenings give us a shout..... hehe