!?!?!?!?! That sucks are there any others around you? Found this not sure how current it is..........
Not very current. . . The Waco shop was the best in Texas but they are no longer in business, the owner retired 3 years ago and the new owners didn't get the Triumph dealership.[DOUBLEPOST=1395889670,1395888853][/DOUBLEPOST]
Tony, I would give them another call or go there in person.
I have to go near there tomorrow and I'm planning on running by there to see what's up.
Fly and ride 2013's in P'cola, Fl.

Hell man I'll buy ya a beer.
And they got a Matte Green one!
I hadn't seen that one but I've found a few others from the northeast to Georgia to the left coast.
Tony, you can't resist that offer. Maybe if you negotiate, he'll throw in a pie.
I know what you mean.
Well......there is an Irish Pub (McGuires) in P'cola that serves a wicked sheppards pie AND has its own in house BRewery & Brewmaster.......I am contemplating relocating
Just might have to check it out to see if it passes the Hemibee Pie Test.

[DOUBLEPOST=1395935146][/DOUBLEPOST]I ran down to the dealer this morning and was sitting there when they opened the door. I needed some parts for the Kawasaki I'm getting ready to sell and they also happen to be a Kawasaki dealer, well sort of a dealer. They had very few Kawasakis sitting on the floor and didn't have the parts I needed. What kind of dealer doesn't have tubes for the bikes they sell and the spark plugs for a
2-Smoke? I mean, come on fellers, no
2-Smoke plugs? I know, it's a rarity that a
2-Smoke would need a plug. . . heck most of them can run for a whole day or a little more and not need a plug.
Well after not getting the parts I needed I walked thru the showroom and found two salesmen but they were too busy holding phones to their ears to acknowledge that I was standing in front of them so I walked around looking at the bike they had on the floor. I found a bunch of Triumphs lined up at the door to the service department. As I was walking over to them the shop door opened and several shop employees walked out of the shop and each grabbed a Triumph and rolled them into the shop. They then came out and grabbed the rest of them. One of the salesmen that had ignored me walked by, said good-bye to the last bike in line, a matte blue Scrambler and walked into the office area. The only person in the building I could even get to talk to me other than the parts guy was one of the shop hands. All he would say was the bikes were shipping out. I never did find out what had happened or where they were headed.