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:VeryAngry:Talked to the salesman last Thursday and told him I would be down there to talk to him in person Tuesday (today) morning. He said we have at least four bikes (800XCs) that fit my request and lined up several test rides for today, an 800, 800XC, Scrambler and an Explorer XC. The weather was turning bad this morning and looked like I wouldn't be testing any of the bikes so I called the salesman and got no answer on his direct line, the voice mail never kicked over either. Tried twice more and then called the dealership general number. The girl answered the phone and listed off the brands they sell . . . Can AM, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Spyder, Victory, Sea Doo . . . NO TRIUMPH!!! When I ask for the salesman I've been talking to. . . "He's no longer with us, would you like me to transfer you to another salesman or the sales manager?" So I asked to talk to a knowledgeable Triumph salesman and she was quiet for a noticeable bit of time before she responded, "Let me find the General Manager for you." Either my call was never transferred or it was ignored. :VeryAngry:


Now I have to find another dealer, the one that I can't believe hasn't lost their dealership due to piss poor customer service toward Triumph owners and a very limited Triumph inventory, the same dealership group's store on the SOUTH side of Houston or the dealer on the west side of town that doesn't have much inventory. A bunch of folks on our local forum swear by the dealership in Austin for BMW's and Triumphs so I might have to give them a call but they too have limited inventory and NO 2013's listed in stock. I want a '13.[DOUBLEPOST=1395865634,1395865181][/DOUBLEPOST]I just checked the Triumph USA website and the dealer's south location is no longer listed and it was there at noon. Dang it.
To somewhere that can better accommodate the zoo:).......and that is closer to work to cut down on the 45 min each way commute.....and downsize. We need more yard, less house (kids are all "securely" gone now) LESS Property Owner Assoc. and I need to access the equity.....never planned on staying here forever, bought a lowball foreclosure....its going on 4 years time to engage the flip. ;) Hard part is selling it with the ZOO in it.....but not much choice....and thats the Realtors problem lol...he gonna earn this com. check.
WTF!?!?!?!?! That sucks are there any others around you? Found this not sure how current it is..........

Not very current. . . The Waco shop was the best in Texas but they are no longer in business, the owner retired 3 years ago and the new owners didn't get the Triumph dealership.[DOUBLEPOST=1395889670,1395888853][/DOUBLEPOST]
Tony, I would give them another call or go there in person.

I have to go near there tomorrow and I'm planning on running by there to see what's up.

Fly and ride 2013's in P'cola, Fl. :) Hell man I'll buy ya a beer. ;)

And they got a Matte Green one!

I hadn't seen that one but I've found a few others from the northeast to Georgia to the left coast.

Tony, you can't resist that offer. Maybe if you negotiate, he'll throw in a pie. :y2:

I know what you mean. TUP

Well......there is an Irish Pub (McGuires) in P'cola that serves a wicked sheppards pie AND has its own in house BRewery & Brewmaster.......I am contemplating relocating ;)

Just might have to check it out to see if it passes the Hemibee Pie Test. BBEER[DOUBLEPOST=1395935146][/DOUBLEPOST]I ran down to the dealer this morning and was sitting there when they opened the door. I needed some parts for the Kawasaki I'm getting ready to sell and they also happen to be a Kawasaki dealer, well sort of a dealer. They had very few Kawasakis sitting on the floor and didn't have the parts I needed. What kind of dealer doesn't have tubes for the bikes they sell and the spark plugs for a 2-Smoke? I mean, come on fellers, no 2-Smoke plugs? I know, it's a rarity that a 2-Smoke would need a plug. . . heck most of them can run for a whole day or a little more and not need a plug.

Well after not getting the parts I needed I walked thru the showroom and found two salesmen but they were too busy holding phones to their ears to acknowledge that I was standing in front of them so I walked around looking at the bike they had on the floor. I found a bunch of Triumphs lined up at the door to the service department. As I was walking over to them the shop door opened and several shop employees walked out of the shop and each grabbed a Triumph and rolled them into the shop. They then came out and grabbed the rest of them. One of the salesmen that had ignored me walked by, said good-bye to the last bike in line, a matte blue Scrambler and walked into the office area. The only person in the building I could even get to talk to me other than the parts guy was one of the shop hands. All he would say was the bikes were shipping out. I never did find out what had happened or where they were headed.
When I was wanting to purchase this last car of mine I had a similar thing at the one dealer. So once I had purchased it from my regular dealer I went back to this dealer called the sales manager pointed out my sparkling new car and told him that was the car you lot did not have time to sell me, I must admit it felt great :D
When I was wanting to purchase this last car of mine I had a similar thing at the one dealer. So once I had purchased it from my regular dealer I went back to this dealer called the sales manager pointed out my sparkling new car and told him that was the car you lot did not have time to sell me, I must admit it felt great :D

If they were still a Triumph dealer that is something I would do and have done in the past when I got piss poor service. My oldest son just bought a new Toyota 4Runner and he ran across about the same from one dealer. He had sent out emails thru the regional Toyota distributor for the 5 state region they cover. One dealer answered his inquiry with the comment that his request seemed like a scam and would not be responding further. Alex had a pretty specific 4Runner that he wanted, a Trail Edition with the KDSS suspension package and none of the frilly little add on's that all of them on the lots have. There was not a single 4Runner in the 5 state region that had the KDSS package and he had to order the 4Runner. The dealer that ordered the truck did some research and found he was stupid (their words) for not ordering all of the 4x4's with the KDSS package and from now on would be doing so on at least all the Trail Editions they order, which won't be very many since the Trail Edition isn't real popular around here. Alex is going to or has gone by the dealer that called his request a scam and is going to show the general manager the email he received and point to the scam sitting in their parking lot.

Hemi, I thought customer service was top notch in North America. It's a wonder you haven't exploded ( Verbally of course ) with the P*** poor service you seem to be coming across

Customer service around here SUCKS. There is a few really good dealers but they are extremely out numbered by the RichardHeadshops. The best Triumph dealer around here was 160 miles away in Waco, Texas or I've been told the Austin, Texas dealer, 150 miles away is really good. My wife asked me today if I had called Waco to see what he had but that's something that can't happen. The Waco dealer retired a few (2 or 3 years ago) and sold his shop. The new owners either didn't keep Triumph or Triumph didn't transfer the dealership to them. The Austin dealer gets great feedback from the BMW crowd and used bike crowd. I've heard they do the same for their Triumph customers but I get this second and fifth hand so I don't know an actual Triumph owner that has purchased there.

Sounds like they have lost the franchise and/or are going out business.

The dealership was formerly owned by A.J. Foyt but back then they were a Suzuki & Kawasaki dealer. The current dealership is owned by one of the largest Harley dealers in Texas. The dealer did not have any Harley's at this location or at two of their other locations. They got into the Triumph business several years ago when they bought out Lyle Lovett and his partners dealership on the south side of Houston. Several years later they increased their Triumph presence by getting the Triumph dealership for their north location also.

I know what several will think, well it's a Harley dealership so there is the cause of the problem with the attitude at the dealership. I have to say I have always been treated great at both of their Harley dealerships and in the past at the north store, the one I had been dealing with so I know this is not business as normal for the company. I know two individuals that have purchased Triumphs from them and both had nothing but good to say about the dealership and the way their transactions were handled. This is what has gotten me puzzled, definitely not normal business for them, something has changed big time.
Maybe an e mail to Triumph America letting them know what crap dealers they are given the franchise's out too might in some way make these idiots wake up and start to treat you as a customer that could potentially hand over thousands of $$$$ to their business. Better still e mail the UK, I'm sure that they'd be horrified at the level of customer service that your getting, or not in this case
I have yet to get what I call decent service in a Motorcycle dealership...I have not been to D&D in P'cola but have met and spoken with the owner and several staff at various area biking events. Seem like good eggs. The largest multi line and multi location dealership here in L.A. is a joke, and I KNOW the G.M. bought a bike from him years ago (only bike I ever bought new) we still laugh about the Hardley aSportster I traded in on it. But the service counter is understaffed, woefully understocked and AMAZINGLY over priced.......the interwebs have made it to cheap and too easy to get stuff in point......

Seriously though.....D&D might be an option they appear to have a decent inventory anyway.
I was looking at eBay earlier and ran across that one. Good price with the added goodies on it. TUP[DOUBLEPOST=1395973695,1395973370][/DOUBLEPOST]I also found this one. . .
