BD Gift comment

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Well. . . I was asked yesterday if I had any idea what I wanted for my birthday. The comment was actually more like "Your birthday is coming up and I'm swamped at work. You need to be thinking about what I can get you. Think it over and let me know in a couple days what you want."

Well I only thought about for about 2 nanoseconds and gave my answer, a new bike! I knew that once again my suggestion would be shot down but she asked so I said what I wanted. I think she may be toying with me because she said. . . "Ok." I dern near hit the floor.

After I came to my senses again she asked which one I wanted. All I could think to say was Triumph, to which see responded, "Which one?" I now have to figure out which one.

A few hours have come to pass now and I think I'm on to her game. I'm working all weekend and can't get down to the dealer before Tuesday but more than likely it will be Wednesday or Thursday before I get down there to look at what he has available. That gives her plenty of time to change her mind.

Women can sure be cruel.

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I fooled her. . . ran by the dealer and test rode a few bikes. . . I wish.


Well you better just not tell her you were thinking along this model otherwise you will be in a heap of trouble :y13:


Oh wait this is a different Triumph :y2:
Come on Hemi,........whatcha got up yer sleeve??????? Wait......wait....dear Lord you aren't gettin rid of Black Betty are you????

I'm still working on keeping her, just don't know if I can swing it that way. I've got to get rid of 4 bikes to get a new one since I don't have enough space with all of them in the garage. I've got seven bikes crammed into the space for 3 bikes. Well actually 6 of them are there and one of them sits on the trailer until the trailer is needed.

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Hemi, have I introduced you to the GIVE KEYSTIGER A BIKE National Charity---do you know dozens (o.k. 1) Keystiger goes to bed every night with an empty hole a huge empty hole in his garage, a hole, that can be filled by your generous donation, 1,2 or even three of your old bikes can give a Keystiger a bright happy future and no empty feeling in his garage.
Don't YOU want to help a deviated prevert fill the empty space beside the Green Goddess in the Garage of Solitude????? Our organization has operatives in your area, and with a simple phone call, you can (in one fell swoop) Make your Wife happy, YOURSELF happy, get a new bike and help a deviant cheap bastard with a foul mouth and a bad attitude to have a chance at multi bike ownership again..........won't YOU help ME????? You know two Girlies are better than one :y15:

Now where is that picture of Sally Struthers..........

You would look so HAPPY riding the KTM I have to get rid of. Actually you would look about the same as my oldest son on the bike. . . Your knees would be above your ears while you are flogging it down the trails. It would be about the same on the Kawahockey and Yammerhawhaw. :y24:

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Hemi, have I introduced you to the GIVE KEYSTIGER A BIKE National Charity---do you know dozens (o.k. 1) Keystiger goes to bed every night with an empty hole a huge empty hole in his garage, a hole, that can be filled by your generous donation, 1,2 or even three of your old bikes can give a Keystiger a bright happy future and no empty feeling in his garage.
Don't YOU want to help a deviated prevert fill the empty space beside the Green Goddess in the Garage of Solitude????? Our organization has operatives in your area, and with a simple phone call, you can (in one fell swoop) Make your Wife happy, YOURSELF happy, get a new bike and help a deviant cheap bastard with a foul mouth and a bad attitude to have a chance at multi bike ownership again..........won't YOU help ME????? You know two Girlies are better than one :y15:

Now where is that picture of Sally Struthers..........
He has a very faaaaaaaaar removed cousin in Australia that WOULD benefit from such generosity too.:y13: